Chapter 15: Mara

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I let out a long sigh of relief as I stepped into the shower. It seemed like all of my stress had left me for a moment and that I could finally breathe.

We'd been in a car for hours, and Pablo barely let us pull over to get out.

I turned the showerhead off and began filling the tub. I sank down into the water slowly, reveling in the feeling of relaxation. I jumped when my phone started ringing. I reached over to pick it up, then immediately wanted to drop it into the tub. I let it ring until a voicemail popped up.

"Mari," Aaron's voice breathed.

My heart skipped a beat at the sound of my old nickname.

"I know you're in Nevada," he continued. "Please don't come here. Don't you know what time of year it is? If you come now, he'll use you for—"

At this, I shut off my phone. I sank deeper into the water until my whole face was covered.

What if I didn't go? What if I stayed at the hotel and let the others handle things?

Suddenly, I was being pulled out of the water.

"Drowning yourself is impossible," a girl's voice huffed. "You can't do it, so stop trying."

"Meilana," I breathed. "What are you doing here?"

She had taken form in the water, her eyes glowing like rubies. "We've grown, Mara," she replied, playing with the hem of her dress. "I am able to come visit you now. I saw what you were doing so I--"

"Mei," I said sternly. "I'm fine. Now if you'd excuse me, I need to drain the tub..."

She caught my wrist as I reached toward the drain. "You need to listen to me," she insisted. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, so please do as I tell you."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Aaron is sincere," she said quietly. "He wants you to stay back, but clearly we must surge forward. The destruction your uncle has caused to the country is worse than anything I have ever experienced. I will not stand for his corruption."

"Neither will I," I muttered. I stood, reaching for my towel. "I know I should listen to Aaron's warning, but I need to get Mason and Lou back. This is my fault, so I have to fix things."

"You're too hard on yourself, My Lady," Meilana said quietly.

I shot her a hard glare. "I told you to drop the formalities. It makes me uncomfortable."

She sank into the water. "Don't worry," she said, her voice beginning to fade. "I'll get used to it eventually."

When I turned back, the water was calm. I drained the tub, then continued to get ready.

"Who were you talking to?" Pablo asked as I exited the bathroom.

"Mei," I replied nonchalantly. I brushed past him, not acknowledging the strange look he gave me.

"Is explaining to me what's going on that hard?" he demanded harshly.

I ignored him.

He heaved a dejected sigh. "You really are serious about this, aren't you? I guess it can't be helped." He pulled his phone out of his pockets and began typing. "I'm texting Castar. Are you ready to go?"

I gingerly slid a pocketknife into the back of my jeans. "You shouldn't have to ask me such things."

He smirked at me. "Don't get too cocky. You know what happens this time of year."

A Cheshire-like grin stretched across my lips. "I'm excited to see what Tío has planned for me. After all, I've only gotten stronger since the last tournament."

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