Chapter 1~Newlyweds and New Beginnings

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

Author's Note: And so the sequel begins...

Louis' Point of View:

I clicked on another link with a sigh. It was 7 in the morning and here I was looking for apartments but so far I hadn't had very good progress.

Why was I looking for apartments, you ask?

Well, that's a very good question. Harry, whom I'd just married, and I, were trying to move out of my mom's house over this summer. Next year would be my senior year of high school and I wanted to be able to focus on school as much as possible if I planned on getting into Doncaster University. My first two years weren't that great in terms of grades. Last year was better, with Harry's help, but this year I needed to excel if I wanted to stay close to my mum and Harry like I'd promised.

That's why I was doing all of this work now instead of waiting till later. I didn't want it to all catch up to me and overwhelm me. Plus, I needed my independence, even if my mother didn't exactly agree. She wasn't sure about us moving out, especially since we had yet to even graduate, but I figured since we were already married, it couldn't hurt to take the next steps as well.

Harry and I had matured quickly over the past year. Most of it wasn't by choice, but rather the hardships to we'd faced. Last summer, Harry's sperm contributor (as we now call him) had married my mom. Don't worry, it wasn't for long so this isn't really an incest sort of thing. I'm not quite into that, but anyways, they married in September, and then Harry and his father moved in with us in October. While I was getting to know Harry, I came to find out that Devon (the sperm contributor) had been physically, sexually, and emotionally abusing Harry since his 11th birthday.

Now, you'd think with that information I would've ran straight to the police, but I didn't. Mostly because back then I was an idiot. Instead, I promised to keep his secret. Which was again, a dumb mistake. Especially since I wasn't staying close enough to Harry to protect him. I ended up falling for him, but I decided to cover it by dating one of my best friends, Eleanor. I know, it makes no sense.

In December, right before Christmas, it all came tumbling down. While I was actually out planning how to ask Harry out, Devon came home drunk, and Harry was home alone. Devon took advantage of him, leaving Harry locked up in the bathroom, broken and torn.

I came home to find Devon lying in a pool of his own vomit and Harry self-harming. It wasn't his first time, though it was his last with the help of our therapist, Lou Teasdale. I made another idiot move the next day and confessed my feelings to Harry. Looking back, it wasn't a good idea with all the other emotional stress he was under.

January rolled around and we moved into a new house with the help of another friend, Liam Payne and his parents, who payed for everything. They were pretty rich, but now with my mum's new job, we weren't doing too bad ourselves. Gemma, Harry's sister, even made a surprise visit and they were reunited after years of being separated.

My dad, Tristan, also made a surprise entrance back into my life. He'd left my mum and I when I was pretty young, taking my younger twin sisters with him. He came saying he wanted to be a part of my life again and by February, Harry and I had moved in with him at his house in L.A.

We stayed with him for all of February and March. It had been nice bonding with my stepdad, Jace, and my sisters, Phoebe and Daisy. And not to forget my baby twin brother and sister, Ernest and Doris.

We came back at the beginning of April and a few weeks later, I had proposed to Harry. It was a crazy idea if I'm being honest. Harry was only in his 10th year at the time, although he was at least legal age, but I don't regret it at all.

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