Chapter 2~If Only Life Were A Movie

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

Author's Note: Chapter theme song is If We Were A Movie by Miley Cyrus. Yes, throwback!

Zayn's Point of View

I reached for my phone so I could look at the time. It was on the night stand next to Perrie's bed.

6' clock.

I sat up with a sigh. I guess I should probably get home. The rest of the boys and I were going out to a movie at 7 and I still needed to clean my room a bit and get some food for Liam to spend the night.


He and I met last year after Harry and him became friends. Something between us had really clicked.

It wasn't that my life was necessarily boring before I met him, it just wasn't what I wanted it to be. When Liam came along, he changed that. Louis and I have deep conversations all the time, but they weren't like the ones I had with Liam.

Liam made you think. Like, really think. He had a habit of rambling, but whatever he had to say was always good. He didn't always talk a lot, but that definitely didn't mean he was intelligent.

That, and a lot of other things, had me feeling things for him.

God, I was so fucked.

I'd been dating Perrie for 4 years. I really wanted to be able to be open and honest with her about my thoughts, but she was dying from cancer.... I didn't want to ruin the possible last year of her life by putting drama in it.

So, I kept my mouth shut. It wasn't that I didn't love her, I did, but I felt like Liam and I connected on a deeper level than Perrie and I ever had.

I gently got off the bed, careful not to wake her from her sleep. This is how things were now. On a good day, she was awake and talkative; on days like this, she was tired and just slept; and the bad days...well, those were spent in the hospital, hoping she would make it out.

I kissed her forehead and then left the room as quietly as possible.

"You heading out, Zayn?" Her mother asked, looking up from the magazine she was reading when I got downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go now. Gonna hang out with a few friends tonight."

"That sounds like fun. I'll tell Pez when she wakes up."

I nodded, "Thank you. Tell her to text me as well when she does."

She nodded, "Okay. Well, have a great night tonight."

"I will."

And with that, I left.


"Will you ever be on time?" Louis rolled his eyes as I walked up to them.

"I had shit to do. Sorry."

"Eh, whatever. Harry and I bought your ticket already. You can pay me back later."

"So, are we going to get popcorn or what? Because the smell is killing me and it's the only reason I came with you idiots," Niall said.

"Lies. You came because you love us," Harry said.

"How 'bout you come with us to get the popcorn Niall, while Zayn and Liam can go get the seats?" Louis suggested.

"Good idea," Liam said. "Plus, I want to see the previews."

"Come on," Niall said, pulling Harry towards the line. "I need my slushy."

So Harry, Niall and Louis went to get the food while Liam and I found pretty good seats. The theatre was pretty empty, so we were able to sit in the back row, which, as everyone knows, is the best part of the theatre. We sat in the middle and Liam was on my right.

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