Chapter 5.1~Just How Fast...

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Edited by: Supermaaan14

Author's Note: Thank you for all the wonderful comments and votes. And thank you for reading. I know it's been a while since I last updated. I'm sorry. I'm back now. I didn't forget about all of you wonderful people. This chapter is an informational filler, but don't worry, it's still interesting... I hope. I AM NOT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL IN ANYWAY. None of what I say in this chapter is "fact," but rather a science fictional creation.

Louis' Point of View

"Wait, what?" I asked, shocked and unsure if I was hearing her correctly.

"It seems to be that Harry is pregnant." Dr. Meier said, a look of concern on her face.

" is that even possible? I'm a guy!" Harry looked close to the verge of tears, so I held his hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Well, there have been a few cases of this before and it's extremely rare. Because of that, it's hard to study and find a cause, but there are a few theories. The most popular and most believable happens during prenatal development. Sometimes a woman's body will attack a male fetus because it sees it as a potentially harmful foreign object. So, the body will try to feminize the fetus as much as possible. This can be seen in men who may have more feminine features, it can sometimes influence sexuality, development, etc. It seems that when you were being developed, you were given a female reproductive system."

"But if that's true, why do I have a penis and never get a period?"

"Your female reproductive system is the only on the inside, while a male system is on the 'outside,' This is probably due to when your mother's body started attacking the fetus during her pregnancy. Whether it was earlier or later in development. With most cases of gender and sex, it happens in the beginning, but yours may have happened later. It's not really possible to know for sure at this point. As for the period, because of having a male reproductive system as well, the female system stays dormant until stimulated. Your female system is connected to your anus rather than a vagina, so it would only be awakened by anal sexual activity. Which I'm assuming you and your husband had a number of times since your wedding?"

Harry blushed. "You could say that..."

Dr. Meier nodded. "Well, there you go. There was no time for discharge most likely since the egg had already been fertilized."

"So, that's it? I'm pregnant?" Harry asked, shaking. I rubbed his back, trying to calm him, even though I was scared myself.

I didn't even know this kind of stuff was possible. And it's not like you think about using a condom when you're married, especially if you're both clean.

"Yes,and now what you need to decide is whether or not you want to keep the baby or abort it."

"What are the risks?" Harry asked, a bit calmer now.

"If you choose to abort the baby, obviously it would die. And after that, you could choose to have a surgery that would remove your female reproductive system. The problem with this surgery is damaging the other parts in that area, since the system is so complex. And there is always the risk that the abortion could fail and the baby would be born with some type of disability or multiple disabilities.

If you choose to have the baby, obviously there are even more risks. You could miscarriage, the baby could be born with disabilities. Harry could experience issues, too. Unfortunately, I have to tell you that the worst case scenario would result in the death of both Harry and the baby. There's no way to really measure the probabilities of these scenarios since this is so rare, but none of this means that the baby couldn't be born perfectly fine and full of potential, as well as Harry being well, too. The decision is up to you."

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