Ennotana headcanons pt4...

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You guys don't hate me I'm genuinely sorry for all the headcanons but...I'm working on three stories at once and somethings is better than nothing right?😁

Tanaka does all the cooking/cleaning because Enno has no motivation to do any of it.

Cuddles while watching movies which Tanaka always ends up falling asleep.

Going on dates to Cafés.

Ennoshita whimpers a lot when they make out so Tanaka calls him puppy or puppy boy.

Tanaka most likely drives like his sister so Ennoshita has to drive.

When they first wake up they end up cuddling for like 20 minutes because Ennoshita doesn't wanna get up and he also doesn't want Tanaka to leave because he's his heater.

Tanaka most likely THRIVES to see Ennoshita fluttered even if it is just for a second he will still cherish it.

Tanaka is just so out going when giving love to Ennoshita but Ennoshita could just give him a kiss on the cheek and Tanaka would go insane and start to malfunction.

They share a plate of pasta on like most dates if they go to some fancy restaurant.

Chikara likes to write down stories and Tanaka likes to read them and obviously gives compliments.

Tanaka actually does decently well with taking orders from Ennoshita, like no talking back or anything he just does it, it's surprising.

Ennoshita's favorite show growing up was power rangers (and still is) and Tanaka sometimes makes fun of him for it sometimes but he thinks it's cute.

Ennoshita also prefers being called they/them pronouns but he's okay with he/him.But Tanaka being the sweetheart he is, he uses they/them when referring to Ennoshita.

Tanaka is good at drawing and so he draws Ennoshita a lot. And on their first valentines together Tanaka gave Ennoshita a picture of him and Ennoshita was obviously very flattered.

Speaking of Valentine if Ennoshita had a middle name i think it would be Valentine and Tanaka calls him his Valentine all the time.

Tanaka is allergic to cats but Ennoshita owns multiple of them so when they hang outEnnosbita would recommend to go to Tanaka's house because he had cats but Tanaka would always wanna go to Ennoshita's house. Saying "allergies are for the weak,"

Tanaka has so many nicknames for Ennoshita it's hard to count. But Ennoshitas personal favorites are Señor and babyboy.

If you guys have any HCs you can leave them in the comments. Or if you would like for me to make it into a story I'm happy to take suggestions.🤷🏽‍♀️

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