Jealousy Jealousy- fluff

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I saw a post this tumblr and I figured I should write it🤷🏽‍♀️
(Follow me on tumblr @Krupty btw, pretty sure I post more on there than I do here😁)
Ryuunosuke gets a little jealous of Chikaras friend.


"That movie was pretty cool in my opinion, main character kind of sucked though" Tanaka says or more like yells. He was in the middle of a heated argument with Nishinoya about one of the movies that had watched on their last hang out. After the 3rd years graduated Nishinoya and Tanaka thought it would be cool for them to hang out with the team every Saturday. "Yeah but you choose the movie idiot!" The shorter of the two argued. "Both of you need to be quiet, Tsukishima is picking the movie this time," Ennoshita buds in, The two males whine in sync. "Tsukishima's movies aren't that bad you two need to cheer up" Narita admits.

"Oh hey Chikara" a voice from across the room says. Tanaka turns his head in confusion, the only other people that call Ennoshita by his first name are Narita, Kinoshita and him. "Can you come with me to get popcorn, Hinata just ate the last bag" He roles his eyes. Of course it was one of the new second years, Ryuunosuke did not like him at all. He was always subtly flirting with Chikara and he hated it, Ennoshita would always brush him off or excuse it as him being polite. It was obviously for Tanaka's sake, he didn't want to cause any fights. "Yeah okay" Emnoshita agreed, he walks over to kiss Tanaka's forehead before leaving. As he tries to pull away Tanaka gently grabs his wrist, "will you come back right after" He whispers "of course don't worry about it" Chikara whispers back rolling his eyes.

"What was that?" The second year asks as soon as they leave the room. "What was what?" "Tanaka-San whispered something to you" "it was nothing he just wanted to get cheddar cheese popcorn," The black haired boy shrugged it off with a smile.

After they had gotten back to the store and began the movie everything was going swimmingly. "I'm gonna go warm up some more popcorn" Chikara said as he was getting up, "I'll come too" Tanaka and the black haired boy say unison there was an awkward silence before Tanaka spoke "You can go Haruka it's fine" he shrugged it off trying to not be rude.

Haruka and Chikara walk into the kitchen. As Chikara began to make the popcorn Haruka just stared at him, not with an intense glare or anything. It's that look you give when you're about to do something you may or may not regret for the rest of your life. Chikara noticed Haruka was just standing there, "is something wrong?" Haruka took a deep breathe in and a deep breathe out then licked his lips. "I really like you Ennoshita-San" He exclaimed quickly close his eyes shut. He was too scared to look up Chikara hadn't said anything "oh I..." the second year began opening his eyes slowly only to see two figures standing infront of him instead of one. "Oh! Tanaka-San I didn't see you there" Tanaka rolled his eyes, Haruka has a puzzled look on his face as to say Tanaka had rolled his eyes.

"Haruka I'm sorry but I can't accept your confession" Chikara said politely hoping it would help with the rejection. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you weren't into guys I hope this isn't awkward!" There a awkward pause Chikara felt bad breaking the news to him, he seemed so nice. "He's rejecting you because I'm his boyfriend, there the bandaids off" Tanaka speaks up. A silence grew between the three again except it was more awkward and embarrassing. "I'm so sorry I had no idea" Haruko rambles as he bows, "you're fine it's fine" Chikara tries to comfort. Bye the time Haruka was done apologizing Tanaka has already left the room, he couldnt stand to see Chikara's pity performance why would he care about his feelings anyways? It seems selfish to want  Ennoshita all to himself but he genuinely can't help but feel that way.


Later on the couple is cuddled up in Chikara's bed, they haven't talked about what happened at Nishinoya's house. It's still pretty clear Ryuu was still upset, "you know" The brunette begins breaking the silence "You don't have to work about me leaving you or anything" He says quietly. Tanaka still pouts, Ennoshita smiles softly and reaches a hand out for his boyfriends cheek. "I love you, I swear" He says confidently giving the other a kiss on the cheek. Tanaka blushes and smiles, "I know" he replies. He felt kind of guilty for being so possessive. He should've let Chikara explain himself but it made his heart attack thinking that Chikara would choose someone else over him, let alone some he barely knew. He knew he'd always been the possessive type and Chikara was aware of it too, not too possessive to the point to where is was overbearing but to the point where it bothered him deeply if he saw someone flirting with his boyfriend.

"Sorry for getting all defensive you obviously could've handled the situation yourself" Tanaka mumbles.



I know I haven't updated in a bit and this is kinda short. I know you all hate me for that ❤️
I try so hard to update I swear it's just I get lazy and never do it. But I'll be doing it more around November and December because those are when my breaks are but yeah🤷🏽‍♀️

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