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I have a couple of headcanons for these two mainly cause I don't see a lot of them BUT I'm here to bless you all.

Btw I'm going to be using the words chub chub and chubby cause I feel it's disrespectful to just straight up say fat.

Remember y'all being chub chub is fine your body is PERFECT the way it is!

Ennoshita has chubby thighs and so he kinda has a chubby stomach and Tanaka just love it so much like he bites at his thighs, he likes to lay on them, he likes to squish Ennoshita's stomach when they cuddle, lay on his stomach. He's just OBSESSED with them.

Ennoshita is probably insecure about him and his chub chub he feels like Tanaka deserves better but Tanaka always reassures him that he is okay with Ennoshita being a little chubby.

Ennoshita is SUPER sensitive when it comes to animals so anytime he sees one he breaks down cause he loves them so much and Tanaka thinks it's the cutest thing ever.

Tanaka probably wants Ennoshita to step on him....the guy is into some kinky shitz- but Ennoshita would always so no cause it's weird asf to him 💀

These two surprisingly like the same kind of music.

Never play the song 'sure thing' by Miguel cause Tanaka will sing his heart out to Ennoshita and be so DRAMATIC with it too.

Kiyoko,Nishinoya, and Sugawara were the ones hyping Tanaka up to ask Ennoshita out.

Narita and Kinoshita helped (aka the forced them selves and didn't ask for Ennoshita's permission) to pick an outfit for Tanaka and Ennoshita's first date

Ennoshita genuinely does a lot of thing mainly because it feeds Tanaka's ego, like for instance Tanaka likes the idea of protecting Ennoshita so Enno would act defenseless when I came to people hitting on him. That was only for when Tanaka was around though (Ennoshita a baddie he can handle himself 😌)

There was a time were Ennoshita wore a skirt and thigh highs and Tanaka flipped the fuck out cause the thigh highs were squishing Enno's thighs. (We can guess how that ended)

Ennoshita hates tutoring Tanaka cause he always has to repeat himself but Tanaka loves it cause he can just look at Ennoshita all day.

Tanaka is kinda picky to who he wants Ennoshita to talk to but he keeps it to himself cause he doesn't wanna seem selfish.

Sense these two are basically the same size they share clothes and Tanaka sometimes wears Ennoshita's skirts.

This is actually my favorite headcanons cause it's hilarious to me. Tanaka likes to put his hand on Enno's thigh but Ennoshita would always protest though cause Tanaka's hands would always be cold.

These two love watching movies and cuddling up on the couch together.

There hasn't been a day after Tanaka and Ennoshita started dating poor Enno didn't have a new bruise or hickey somewhere on his body or he could walk properly (he's gotten better at it though👍🏾)

Ennoshita doesn't mind PDA but Tanaka is making it to the point were he says no to even holding hands, Tanaka is always all over Enno aka claiming his property.

Tanaka smacks Ennoshita's ass randomly and the fact that he never expects it is why Tanaka keeps doing it cause he jumps a little in shock and just looks back angrily every time and Tanaka finds it hilarious.

Tanaka is so gentle when it comes to after care, cause he always caresses Ennoshita's cheek (he's face, Ya nastys) and just showers him in compliments. "Your so pretty, you know that right" "you did such a good job" "I love you so much. And a lot more I can't think of

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