Home with you-smut

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Saeko was going out with a couple of friends for a Christmas party leaving Tanaka and Ennoshita at home alone.

this contains ✨smut✨ so if your uncomfortable with this you can always leave.
We're gonna pretend that this is a birthday special for Chikara because I kinda forgot about it
But technical it's a Christmas special, it's both okay🙄
I'm so bad at timing if you guys haven't noticed, like right now I'm posting this at 11pm while trying to do another last minute Christmas special for another book.
And In the story it makes them seem like minors but I swear they're over 18 or atleast on college or something.
"Have you seen my keys?" Saeko asks Tanaka, he shrugs "I don't think so" he responds as he looks around in the kitchen for his sisters keys. "Wait I found them" she said grabbing them from between the couch cushions. "Of course between the couch cushions" Tanaka chuckles at his own joke as he leans on the island in the kitchen.

"Well I'll be back tomorrow, merry Christmas and happy birthday Chikara!" Saeko say shouting the last part while walking towards the door. Enno comes down stairs wearing one of Tanakas shirt and some sweats. "Thank you" He says and then walks over to the pantry looking for something to snack on "Oh and Ennoshita I'm counting on you to make sure Ryuu doesn't do anything stupid" Saeko said glaring at Tanaka. The brown haired boy walks out the pantry with some chips and nods to the blonde haired female. Seako then left the house closing the door behind her.
"You know I'm not gonna do anything stupid right?Im a grown man I can take care of myself" Tanaka asks looking at the brown haired male. "Oh you won't cause if you do I'll punish you" Ennoshita jokingly says.

"Oh really then?"


"Oh yes punish me daddy" Tanaka teasingly says, "oh my god you're so stupid" Ennoshita says rolling his eyes and going back upstairs.

"Awwww baby come on I was joking" Tanaka says watching Ennoshita walk up the stairs then flips the boy downstairs off. "That hurt my feelings" Tanaka replied making a sad face "do you want me to call you a wambulance crybaby" his boyfriend quips back.

About 2 hours later the couple were laying down in Tanakas bed room watching YouTube, nothing in particular, just whatever they could find entertaining for the time being.

But Tanaka eventually got bored of watching YouTube after a while. He was slowly but surely getting bored Tanaka looks over at the brunette he had cuddled up beside him, the laptop lighting off his skin lighting his face in the pitch black room. He moves his hand forward slightly reaching for the other, then paused and thought for a minute 'what if he gets annoyed...it's not like he's not used to it I guess-' Tanaka thinks.

He then hesitantly puts one hand on the others waist, Ennoshita thought nothing of it.
Tanaka then slowly starts to run his hand down Ennoshita's body, once again he didn't really think much of it. He honestly got used to Tanaka wanting some sort of contact 24/7 it was just one way Tanaka liked to show affection. Besides that's just how Tanaka is, Ennoshita couldn't really change that.

Tanaka then started to move his hand down to Ennoshita's ass. "Tanaka what the hell are you doing" Enno asks looking away from the screen he was watching. "Oh nothing just admiring you is all" Tanaka says kissing the others cheek.

Ennoshita sighs and rolls over to face the other male, "what are you actually doing" Enno says raising an eyebrow "what? I'm serious I'm just admiring gods work" Tanaka chuckles "your a horny fuck and you know it" Ennoshita says chuckling, he rolls his eyes.

Tanaka then leans in to kiss Chikara's cheek again, Ennoshita says rolling back over looking back at the screen paying no attention to his boyfriends childish acts.

"Baby boy come on you look so sexy in my clothes" Tanaka jokingly wiggles his eyebrows, thats when Ennoshita sits up and looks at the other beside him in the bed. "You wanna do this, right now?" Chikara asks Tanaka nods in Response "I mean if you wanna be boring, everybody likes birthday sex though" Tanaka says with a smug look on his face.

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