Chapter 1: The letters

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Lance Pov:

I wake up to the MOST annoying beeping sound right next to my bed. I slugishly turn off the alarm and almost fell back to sleep when i remembered what day it was. A sudden burst of energy hit me as i jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready.

Today was the day i get to know whether i got into voltron high or not.

It is the weekend so i don't have school but i am expecting a VERY importand letter, the letter will be saying if i got into voltron high or if i completely failed.

I decided to wear a light blue T-shirt with some music notes on it and some dark blue skinny genes.

I headed down the stairs jumping two steps at the time and ran to the door to see if my letters was there yet.

I saw my letter at my door and picked it up. I was away to open it when i realized that my family would probably want to see me open it.

I head over to the kitchen\livingroom (since there is no wall between them) and i see my mom making pancakes and my older sister veronica sitting at the counter waiting for the pancakes to be ready.

My mom must of heard me enter the room with her sixth mom sence because with out even looking at me she said "the pancakes will be ready soon lance, go wake up the rest of your siblings"

I went back up the stairs since my mom has a strict rule about no yelling, and i woke them all up with just a single word 'pancake's'.

By the time that my siblings finally got down the stairs mom was done making the pancakes. She gave us all a dish of pancakes and got herself some coffee.

"The letter came in today" i say trying to keep my excitement at bay but failing badly. Eather way that got everyone's attention as the all looked in my direction.

"Well what you waiting for bro open it" i hear marco, my older brother say from across the counter

Without another second of hesitation i opened up the envelope as both excitement and nervousness took over me. I unfolded the letter and started to read.

"Oh my god i got in!" I said practically glowing with excitement.

"Well done sweetie" my mom said with a warm smile. "Congrats bro" veronica says as she continues her breakfast. The rest of my siblings congradulate me and we finish eating breakfast.


Keith Pov:

I woke up early as usual around 6 not because i had school or anything i just like to play by guitar before i get the day started.

After an hour or so i hear my big brother shiro yell from down the stairs that breakfast was ready.

I call him big brother but he act's more like a father then anything. I head down the stairs and sit down at the kitchen table as shiro serves the food.

As soon as he places the dishes down and sits down himself he said "your letter came in by the way"

This straight away catches my attention as i drop my fork and perk up to listen

Shiro tosses me my letter and i open it the second i catch it, like a kid opening a present

I read it and my eyes straight away notice the words at the bottom informing me that i got in

I decided i could screw with my brother a bit and put on a sad expression before he has a chance to notice my excitement

"I didn't get in" i mutter looking down as if i was ligitimitly sad. Damb im a good actor

"I'm sorry buddy that's there loss" shiro says with a comforting smile

"Jk i got in" i say looking up before practically dying of laughter from the look of pure shock on shiros face

"Knew you would" he says as he took as sip of his coffee.

I finished my breakfast aswell but i couldnt help taking glances at the letter still next to me because i still found it hard to believe i got in.

As soon as i finished my breakfast i put my plate in the sink and went straight to my room to ware off some exitement through music.

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