Chapter 6: Protective Mullet

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Lance Pov:

As usual i woke up with the sun burning through my eyelids and my alarm beeping next to my ear

I basically roll out of bed and make my way to the bathroom

I get ready and do all the boring morning stuff before heading down the stairs for breakfast

I smelt pancakes and i felt surprisingly less tired as i made my way down the stairs

I sat down at the table most of my siblings were already sat at

"Hey mom I'll probably be back later today"

"How come?"

"I decided to join a club"

"That's great. What club did you join?"

"I joined the art club"

"Happy for you just try to not come back too late" she said in her worried mother voice as she gave us our breakfast

"I know i wont" i said as i started eating my pancakes

Once i was done my breakfast i said bye to whoever was awake and left to school


Keith Pov:

I was already awake and playing my guitar just testing some notes

I decided to head out a bit earlier today not wanting to run to school for once

I stopped in the kitchen as i remembered i hadn't told shiro about joining a club and knowing him he would give all dad mode if i came back later without telling him

Shiro had already left for work so i just got a peace of paper and a pen from one of the drawers

'I have club after school so if I'm not back by the time you get back i am at the club
- keith'

I stuck the note to the fridge and headed out

When i arrived at school i went to the principles office to sign up for the club

As i reached the office there was already someone else there and as i got closer i recognized it was lance

'Of course its him' i thought with a eye roll as i went to stand behind him waiting my turn

'What club could be even better joining?' 'He doesnt look like a sporty person' i thought as i looked at him. Sure he wasn't weak or anything but he just didn't seem like the kind of person to do much sports

He turned round and must not of realized i was there because he practically jumped a mile

"What the hell keith?!? Don't just sneak up on people!"

I tried my best not to laugh but i couldn't help it he looked so stupid

I laugh not so quietly and he just huffed

Had to say the guy was cute

'What the hell keith?!' I shook the thought out of my head

"I was here for ages your just deaf" i said as i glared at him but a smile managed to creep onto my face

"Whatever mullet" Lance huffed as he stormed off

I let out a breath laugh as i walk up to the office window

"I would like to join the basketball club" i said as i looked at the lady behind the office window

"Sure thing just sign this sheet and write the club you wanna join!" She said with that way too wide smile that flight attendents have as she placed a clipboard with a sign up sheet infront of me

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