Chapter 9: Finally out

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Keith Pov:

I wake up and feel something warm. I groggily open my eyes to see the cause of the warmth. I see a head of brown hair cuddled against my chest

My entire face goes pure red as i realize that said brown hair belonged to Lance

I can't bring myself to move even though i probably should

'I hope he doesnt wake up' i think to myself as i wrap my arms around me and lay my head back down going back to sleep


Im awoken by the sound of a door opening and i look towards the door to see pidge looking at me with a weird look on her face

"What's with the look?" i say as i attempt to sit up but something has my arm

I look down to see lance hugging my arm like a teddy

My face turns bright red which just made pidges smirk grow even more

"Doors open now might wanna wake up your boyfriend there" pidge says with a shit eating grin as she leaves the room

I just glare at her before looking back to lance

'He looks so peaceful'

As i take in a his features i notice his long eyelashes, the way his hair folds perfectly round his face, the way his skin looks so soft and smooth. My eyes then move to his lips. They are parted slightly and they look soft. I felt like kissing him but i am snapped out of my thoughts when i see him starting to wake up

I look away with a blush and pull my arm away before he can notice it was there

"What time is it?" He says tiredly as he rubs his eyes

'Cute' i feel my blush grow impossible more red

I reach for my bag and i pull my phone out squinting at the bright light

I let my eyes adjust before looking at the time

"Its 9:30" i say

"Don't we have school?" He says looking a little more awake

My eyes flick to the day underneath the time and its Saturday

"Nope its the weekends" i say putting my phone back in my bag with a sigh

"Oh OK" he says as he lays back down

"Woah when did the door open?" He says as he jumps back up looking at the door

I think back to when pidge walked in and saw me and lance sleeping together and i feel the blush return to my face which reminds me what was pidge even doing here on a Saturday?

"No clue but its open now so we might aswell go" i say as i stand up tossing my bag over one of my shoulders

"Yeah i guess so" Lance says as he gets up and walked over to get his bag

'How did he get all the way across the room in his sleep?!' I think to myself

After he grabs his bag he heads over to me and we both head out and go towards the school exit

Its silence for a while before lance speaks up "so uh..." He pouses with his head focused to the ground he blushing? Nah its probably just my imagination

"There's a new coffee shop not far from here, would you like to go some time?" He says as he faces me but still not looking me in the eyes

'Wait...did he seriously just ask me on a date?!?'

I feel a blush crawl onto my face and i look away to try and hide it as i mutter out a "sure"

I look at him and instantly regret it when i see him put on a smile that puts the sun to shame which causes my blush to grow ten fold

'Hes too fricking cute'

"Cool, are you OK to go tomorrow?"
He says still smiling that smile

"Yeah i don't have anything planned" i say as i look back at him trying to play it cool

"K I'll text you the time, here's my number" he says as he hands me a peace of paper before heading off down a different street towards his house

I look at the paper and there is a phone number on it

I just stand there like an idiot looking at the paper with a slight blush on my cheeks for a couple minutes before snapping out of my trance and head back home with the blush still present on my cheeks as i let my thoughts go back to the cubin boy as i make my way down the street


Lance Pov:

'I cant believe i really just did that!'
I think to myself as i speed walk down the street towards my house

As i arrive at my house i notice the car isn't there which means my mom went shopping and probably took some of my siblings with her which is great because i don't want them asking why i am still red as a tomato

I head up to my room and i flop down on my bed

'I said I would text HIM but i was too quick to run to get his number so now i need to wait for HIM to text ME' i let out a sigh as i get my phone out and check for texts

Obviously he hasn't texted me yet i just gave him my number like 5 minutes ago

I sit cross legged on my bed with my phone in front of me as i nervously wait for a text

My phone vibrates saying i got a text and i rush to open it

Turns out it was just my mom saying that she would be back in a couple hours

I sigh as i realize just how paranoid i am being

I head over to the desk in the corner of my room to do the only thing that can calm my nerves. Draw

I place my phone next to me as i get my book and pencil out and get to work

Klance music AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon