season 2 chapter 4: i know him better

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Lance's pov:

The battle of notes is getting closer and closer but me and keith have been practicing alot and we are sounding pretty awesome.

Zeke still comes around but its fun watching Keith get jealous all the time. He is like a angry puppy.

"What are you laughing at" a certain gremlin says knocking me out my train of though "oh nothing just remembered a joke" i say nonchalant. I am an amazing liar ✨.

"Care to share the joke or..." Allura says "nope" i say before i notice my mullet boyfriend coming to join us at the lunch table

"Hey what took you so long buddy" hunk says to keith. "Just lost a pencil" keith says but somethings not right. Unlike me keith isnt the best liar so something is up


Earlier that day

Keith's Pov:

"Hey keith you coming?" Lance says as he walks up to me. "Yeah I'm just going to finish this chorus I won't be long you can go ahead I'll meet you there" i say as i keep my focus on my book i just need something to rhyme so it can have the right effect.

"If you say so" lance says sounding upset so i look up but the moment i do he gives me a pec on the leps before saying "don't take too long mullet" with a smile and leaving

I really have fallen in love with that moron. As soon as lance leaves the room i feel a pair of eyes burning into my skull. I thought no one else was here but apparently i was wrong. Zeke was still here.

I ignore the staring for a few minutes and try to focus on the lyrics but i can't think. "What's your problem" i say turning around to glare back at zeke

"I'm just wondering what he sees in you" zeke says with a look of disgust planted on his face "there is nothing special about you" he adds

"I'm sorry? What happened to the good childhood friend act? Decided to give it up since its not working" i say a smug smile on my lips

"I'm friends with lance no one else" he says crossing his arms over his chest, casually trying to show his muscle, though i have more

"Yeah FRIENDS stop trying to be something more" i say as i pack my stuff away. I am getting really sick of 'zeke'.

"I've known lance longer then you have" he says leaning his hand on my book so i can't grab it.

"When he was a kid. He has changed since then everyone does" i say as i grab my book anyway making him fall a bit from the sudden loss of balance

"You think you know him better then me" zeke says with a sneer. I am so close to hitting this annoyance right in his pain in the ass mouth.

"Lets see shall we" i say with a smirk "favorite color?" I ask and he seems taken off guard by my sudden question but quickly regains his posture "green" he says looking so cocky

"Wrong" i say enjoying his cocky look disappearing "it's blue it reminds him of the ocean" i say as i throw my bag over my shoulder "favorite food?" I ask him and he seems more angry this time

"Mac n cheese" he says making my smirk grow "nope he loves pancakes" i say turning to leave but before i pass the door i turn round to see zeke absolutely furious.

A smile crosses my lips as i head out the door and to the cafeteria. Time to meet the weirdos.

This is probably the shortest chapter i have ever done but i have 0 ideas and 0 motivation so i am just trying to get things going so enjoy this bit of drama while i think of ideas

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