Ruri and Shikadai

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Ruri's POV

Propping his elbows up, Shikadai leaned against the railing next to me. He set one hand on my shoulder and used the other to balance himself, leaning forward to get a good look at my face.

"In Ruri world, huh?" he asked me. "You always had that habit, even when we were younger."

I was always thinking. About what's around me, taking everything in. I tried to evaluate my situation, events that happened or could happen. Everyone always called me out for being so deep in thought. Lately, I've been doing it a lot more than normally. Atleast back then, I was more vigilant. That needs to change, I need to wake up. No more being caught off gaurd, a little bit of old Ruri wouldn't hurt.

"And you haven't grown out of your laziness," I quipped. I knew he didn't feel like being here anymore and wanted this whole round to be over with. But there wasn't much left to wait for, he was just impatient. Ironically enough, all he ever did was take his time.

The matches that had passed were Sarada and Kane from the Mist. Winner: Sarada.

Arashi and ChōChō. Winner: Arashi.

Inojin and Itsuki from the Mist. Winner: Inojin.

They were all fierce. The Leaf produced highly redoubtable shinobi. Sarada was definitely quick, ridiculously strong and bold. Arashi astonished me with his lighting jutsu. I guess he did have skills to back up his mouth. Finally, Inojin's skills were like something I never seen before. He was able to bring his art to life, manipulating it at his will. Even ChōChō, who lost, didn't go down without a fight -and it was one hell of a fight. Now, I couldn't wait to see Shikadai's match. After all those Leaf Ninja performed, I knew he would be beyond stunning.

As it on queue, he yawned and rested his chin on the rail. I elbowed him gently and rolled my eyes. He mumbled, "your friend was great by the way. He did a good job at shaking up Boruto. Definitely humbled him a bit..."

I nodded in thanks. Before I could give a verbal reply, the board started flipping through names. When it paused, it left a smirk on my face. I looked to Shikadai who narrowed his eyes at my reaction.

Shikadai Nara vs. Aya Rozū

"Goodluck, Nara," I commented, barely audible through the cheering of his friends. "You're gonna need it with her. She's more dangerous than she looks."

"Thanks for the heads up, little cousin," he replied, flicking the side of my head lightly

"Hey, don't keep me waiting!" Aya yelled from down below. What the hell? Did she teleport or something? Only three seconds passed and she was down there in less. Aya was extremely bubbly, but it would be a mistake to underestimate her.

"This is gonna be a drag," the boy sighed, taking his sweet time walking down the steps.

*****Flashback***** Age 9

"What do you wanna do when you're older?" Shikadai asked me.

"I dunno, what about you?" I replied, shrugging.

The two of us were climbing a huge tree that lived way behind his house. We were bored and not up for walking through the village today. I didn't want to walk through crowded streets. Nor did I want to run into anyone I didn't feel like socializing with. Gaara had taken me to enough events and I just wanted to spend time with Shikdai.

I was always happy and grateful when I got to visit the Leaf. Even if it was for some loud event, it meant I got to see Temari and Shikadai. It always brought me joy -not that I'd admit it. Not only that, but it was a much-needed change of scenery. The transition from beige to green was magnificently refreshing.

"I don't know either," Shikadai shrugged. "I just want to be a ninja with Boruto and everyone else. You included."

My friendship with Shikadai was different from the one with Yoshi. I felt as if were tied by blood, even if we weren't. The way we interacted with one another reminded me of a dead time in my life. I was okay with that. He wasn't Ren, I knew that. Nonetheless, I acknowledge him as a brother.

I reached for a branch, pulling myself upwards to grab onto another one. I said, "that's good for now. I never really thought much about it."

"Why not?" he questioned, concentrating on climbing. He was a far behind me.

Before coming to Suna, I was too busy focusing on the present. All I had to do was survive. I always thought, 'I just have to make it through this now.' Prior to that, I just wanted to protect Ren. There wasn't much else for me to think about, atleast that's what I perceived.

"I guess I was too occupied with the present," I returned honestly.

"Then, think on it now," he suggested. "Even if it's a small goal. My dad said it's always best to take things slow, learn little by little."

"I guess I could try," I said. Twisting my neck around, I studied his house before asking, "You ever want siblings? Do you get lonley?" Their house was spacious for their family size. Did he ever long for a sibling?

"Not really, I kind of enjoy being the only one," he told me. "It's quiet this way.. You're good at this."

I sat on a branch, watching him climb upwards. Ren and I did contribute to a bit of noise when we were together. Shikadai and I do that too. Kankuro said Shikdai was more lively when I was around. He also said I acted more my age around Shikadai.

There were times when I'd take to long and Shikadai would yell, 'Ruri hurry up or I'll leave without you!'
Only he wouldn't leave without me, he'd just wait outside and pretended he did.

Temari and Gaara found us especially funny for some reason. Probably because we'd nudge one another when passing by eachother. Or maybe because we swindled Kankuro out of cash when he got extra drunk and challenged us to a game of checkers. We cheated and he was too drunk to notice. 'That'll teach him,' Temari cheered us on.

"What are you think about, Ru?" he pondered, still trying to catch up.

"Drunk Kankuro," I responded earning a chuckle from him. I couldn't help, but laugh along with him.

Our laughter was short lived, abruptly interrupted by  a branch snapping under Shikadai. His eyes widened, slipping away. The alarm in his eyes was bright, ready to fall down.

My hand didn't dither, catching his and pulling him up straight. The motion of being steadied alleviated his stress and he let out a deep breath. I could see a bit of sweat that naturally rested on his forehead.

"About wanting siblings," he said, regaining his sense of security. "I already have a sister, don't I?"

****Flashback End****

I proudly spectated my cousin's match. Fixed and unwavering, my attention did not seize for a second. He was intelligent and was able to get himself out any situation with just a bit of time.

Always taking his time. Little by little. He had no need to rush, he never did. Even when Aya pulled out her toxic scents, he pulled through. Sure it took some 'troublesome's and 'what a drag's, but he caught her with his Shadow Possesion. Using his surroundings like the strategist that he is, cornering her, and simply knocking her out.

"Shikadai is the winner of this battle!"

The Nara regarded me and I sent him a smirk. He smiled and was engulfed in the glee of his friends.

Here is a quick Shikadai chapter. I'm going to be using more flashbacks from the times between the first and second book. I want to fit some small or cute moments of Ruri's development.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading. Have a safe day!

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