Abrupt Visitor

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Ruri's POV

When I departed from Kiba and Yoshi I began to wander around the village. The two suggested we eat at the ramen shop I failed to find the first time, but I declined. I wanted to go visit Gaara before he could decide to hunt me down. Actually, I was surprised Kankuro hadn't shown up to drag me to the Nara household himself.

'You think they know something's up?' Ren asked, but there was no concern laced in his words.

'What do you think?' I snapped in my head. Once again I was arguing with my own conscience. But what else was there to do? Ignoring it has proven to be pointless. 'It was clear 'something's up' the moment I almost blacked out during the prelims.'

'Heh, sorry about that,' he apologized unapologetically. 'So what'll the excuse be? Honestly, if you cared for these people you wouldn't have involved yourself in the first place."

'You think I didn't try?' I snapped. 'I tried, but they wouldn't give up on me. They're family-."

'They're not family," he corrected. "Not even those who share our blood were family. It was just you and I. It still is.' It was hard to believe this was Ren, who used to be a loving boy. He loved our parents, was more close to them than I had been. There were times I believed they loved him more than me. They often sheltered him more, coddled him more. I knew it was because Ren was more vulnerable, but sometimes they protected him at my own expense. I knew it was silly to think about it now, especially since I was sure I had only good memories of them.

I stopped walking on the path I was on, deciding to take a detour through the woods. This is where multiple training grounds were located, spaced out between each lot. This way was longer than the one laid out for me, but I decided I rather spend more time alone.

'You're gone,' I shook my head.

'Taking a detour?' he ignored my words. 'Why?'

'I need to clear my head,' I answered.

'Clear it of what? Of me?' he pestered on. 'We've gone through this already.'

A stream came into view and I decided to crouch down next to it, taking in the peace nature had to offer. It seemed that all my problems lied within my head and everything else in my environment was balanced. Sure, the life of a ninja was chaotic, but I had a life that was so happy and peaceful. A bit of fighting was worth it. It had all to do with the people I allowed in my life, now I had to make sure I wouldn't be the one to ruin it.

My reflection became my next focus, trying to ignore Ren's pestering voice. Also stalling the inevitable explanation I had to feed my family, one that I haven't even come up with.  My mind was searching for any idiotic excuse and none of them fit, especially with a father who knew me like the back of his hand.

'He's not-,' Ren began, but suddenly stopped. It took  me aback, he never missed an opportunity to remind me I had no blood ties with my family. 'Something's not right.'

What wasn't right? Before staring into my own eyes, the reflection morphed into a person I had tried to wish away many times before. Grey eyes, snow white hair. He always kept coming back when I felt the most safe, when I believed myself to be secure. I turned around, my arm blocking a kick, but his weight was too strong for my body to hold and I was thrown right into the stream.

I was shaken and almost forgot I could swim. Quickly, I swam up, coughing as soon as I broke out of the surface. Water had made it's way to my nostrils, leaving an uncomfortable, burning sensation. I gasped for air, looking back to the land. He watched me with an amused smirk. One I wanted to wipe off his smug face

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