The War Between Good and Evil

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-Art made by me!-

The boys prepared by grabbing food and other resources from stores nearby, and making sure that they were ready to survive before finally taking down the corruption. "Got the stash done?" Skid laughed and nodded. "Yep!" Roy smiled to see his new friend feeling better after what happened the other day. "Good. We don't wanna fight the corruption on an empty stomach." Skid ran out to get some water jugs, when a corrupted soul tried taking him. Roy kicked the creature away and grabbed his mic, remembering the Lemon Demon's words.


"ТHΞ ФЛŁЏ ШΛЏ ТФ ШłЛ łS łŦ ЏФU БΞΛТ MЏ łMPS! ТHΞ ϾФЯЯUPТłФЛ ŦΛÐΞS ΛШΛЏ ΛŦТΞЯ ТHΞЏ ŦΛłŁ, HΛHΛHΛHΛHΛ!" Ross and Robert chased after Roy, only getting him corrupted on a half of his body. "G-Guys! Remember me! I'm not an enemy! Stop!" Roy hid in a car until the two left. Roy cried for what seemed like hours, but got up to find the closest friend he had....Skid.

-Present Day-

Tears formed in Roy's eyes as he aggressively started beatboxing and doing his best to save Skid from corruption. Even if it cost his life. Eventually, he did it. He saved Skid's life from corruption. Skid ran up to hug him. "Thank you so much!!" Soon, a boy got up, free from the corruption. "Ugh....what happened..?" Roy smiled. "I saved you! I saved you and my friend!" The boy knew who it was and ran away. Roy was confused until he remembered. "Oh....yeah.." Skid felt bad for Roy and hugged him. "What's wrong, Roy?" Roy felt tears forming in his eyes again. "I....I-I used to bully that kid the same way I did to you.." Skid understood and sighed. "Sometimes people don't forgive you for how you change..." Roy smiled a bit. "Y-Yeah....let's go home.."


Tha poor bois-

(DISCONTINUED!!)I thought we were friends...not enemies.. Skid n' Corrupt!PumpWhere stories live. Discover now