The saved vs the mastermind

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Skid, Pump, Pico, Casandra, Roy, Ross, and Robert all went after the Lemon Demon. The group chased the monster into the same place where most of the group lived ever since the corruption started. "He's in the warehouse!" Skid shouted. The lemon grabbed a corrupted soul and took something from them. "Ɨ ĆΔŇ'Ŧ ŁØŞ€ ŦĦƗŞ βΔŦŦŁ€! €V€Ň Ɨ₣ ƗŦ Μ€ΔŇŦ ŦĦ€ €ŇĐ Ø₣ €ЖƗŞŦ€ŇĆ€!" A microphone was in the demon's hands as they all got there. "Ɨ'Μ ŇØŦ ǤØƗŇǤ ĐØŴŇ ŴƗŦĦØỮŦ Δ ₣ƗǤĦŦ!!" The battle had begun....the battle between the saved and the mastermind.

During the fight, it seemed the Lemon Demon was losing. The group had overpowered his corruption and won soon after. "ŇØ....ŇØ!! ŦĦƗŞ ƗŞŇ'Ŧ ØV€ŘŘŘŘŘ!!" The demon started fading away as the corruption did with the monster. The group cheered. "We defeated the corruption!" Skid and Pump hugged each other. "Let's go home!" Skid nodded. "I can't wait to see mama!" the group started walking towards their houses and wished each other good luck. "Bye, Pico! Bye, Casandra!" The two waved before walking into the distance. That left Roy, Ross, Robert, Skid, and Pump together to go home.

(DISCONTINUED!!)I thought we were friends...not enemies.. Skid n' Corrupt!PumpWhere stories live. Discover now