Can we even call home "home"?

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The four friends were running in a field, laughing happily as they enjoyed time away from the fighting. "Woohoo! We should live out here! The stars are beautiful!" Robert cheered. The three agreed. "Yeah! Then we can just run around and have fun before heading home!" Roy added. "Or maybe it can be a hideout!" Ross rolled around while everyone laughed. "I wonder what my home is like now!" Skid thought for a moment before scaring himself with his own imagination. "I don't wanna go home! It's too risky!" Skid started tearing up. "But why? It's not like we can even call our homes *home* anymore!" Ross implied. The rest of the boys sat down as they heard Skid talk. Skid immediately hugged the three for comfort and support. "How about we head back to base, and watch the stars on the roof?" Robert insisted as the boys consented with him. "Okay..."

-At the building-

The night was pure silence. "Look! That constellation looks like Ross!" Roy laughed and kept naming constellations with the rest of them. Skid's laughter faded as he saw a constellation that looked like Pump. "What's wrong, Skid?" The trio heard small sniffles coming from Skid. "Pump.....I see him..." They looked at the constellation. "Oh.....Hey, we promise we'll get Pump back as soon as possible, okay?" Roy felt the same way and hugged him tighter. "I wanna see him so bad...." Skid cried into Roy's chest. "Okay, we'll go searching for him at the crack of dawn..."

(DISCONTINUED!!)I thought we were friends...not enemies.. Skid n' Corrupt!PumpWhere stories live. Discover now