Ross...? Robert...?

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Roy and Skid were walking back to their new 'home', when Roy heard something shuffle around in the alleyway. A cat jumped out, which Roy immediately realized who's cat it was. "Nyannie! Oh, I'm so happy to see you again, my beautiful kitten!" Nyannie meowed and was hugged by Roy, being that he loved calico breeds anyway. Roy had cried, holding his loving pet close. "I missed you so much, Nyannie!" Skid was confused at this point. "Who's cat is that?" Roy wiped his own tears away and smiled. "This is my cat...she's my support animal." A voice came out of nowhere, definitely not coming from Skid at all. "ŘØ¥, ŴØŇ'Ŧ ¥ØỮ ĦΔŇǤ ØỮŦ ŴƗŦĦ ỮŞ ΔǤΔƗŇ..?" Roy knew who they were and ran closer to Skid. "Get your mic! We need to save these lost souls from corruption!" Skid quickly grabbed his and looked closer at the two corrupted figures. Roy did the same. "Wait....Ross..? Robert....?!" The duo looked like they were trying to say something, but all that came out was threats. They knew that the only way to find out what they were really trying to say was by defeating them.

After what felt like hours of fighting against them, they fought off the corruption and won. "Roy!!" Ross and Robert hugged him tightly. "We're so sorry for what happened to us!" Skid was nervous and hid behind Roy. Ross easily saw him. "Hey, why's the little twerp with you?" Roy looked at Skid and sighed. "He and I are friends..." The two were shocked. "WHAT?!" Skid nodded and tensed up, thinking they'd hurt him. "See, He lost  his friend too...which is why we befriended each other." Ross and Robert looked at each other. "Ooooooh...that's why!" Roy chuckled. "Mhm. But now that I have you two back, we're stronger against the corrupted!" The group laughed together before spending the rest of the night looking at the stars.

(DISCONTINUED!!)I thought we were friends...not enemies.. Skid n' Corrupt!PumpWhere stories live. Discover now