The Visitor

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I woke up it's about 8 o'clock. I dress into my jumper and my jeans. I head down for breakfast. Sirius is not up yet he sleeps in late cause he goes to bed so late. I see Kreacher and ask him for some breakfast. He makes me some eggs and sausage. I eat and head over to Sirius' room. It's about 8:45 now and I decide I must wake Sirius. He's lying in his bed asleep. I gently shake him. His hair was all disheveled. He hits me with a pillow to go away so he can sleep. I got a pillow from his bed and hit him back. "Alright, I will wake up," he said to me. Sirius had some of the eggs and sausage Kreacher made and we played wizards chess. I was a bit better than Sirius but he could still beat me.

I brought down Leonardo. I fed him pieces of bread and some leftover lamb chop pieces from last night's dinner. Sirius was telling me I should try to bulk him up a bit so he could get stronger. I was petting Leo as we heard a knock on the door. "It must be Remus." I said. Sirius went to open the door. It was Remus and his friend Arthur Weasley I had met a few times. I knew he had a wife and many kids, some of them even close to my age , but Sirius never let me meet them only for reasons of my safety but I would see some of them as I went to Hogwarts this year.

They came in and sat down. They began discussing Hogwarts this year and me getting there. The plan to get me there was for Remus to take me to Kings Cross and show me where Platform 9 and 3/4 was. Then Molly, Arthur's wife and her kids would help me get on to the station. I was excited. Time had almost come for me to go to Hogwarts. As soon as they finished talking about me. Sirius told me to go to my room so they could talk about business I wasn't allowed to hear and so I could make sure I had everything packed.

I went up the stairs and said hello to all the house elves up on the wall like I always did. As soon as I got up to my room with Leonardo I put him back in his cage. I looked through my trunk and checked my list again. After I checked my list I looked around my room for things I may want to bring with me. I spot my favorite muggle book series, Michael Vey. I pack the series in my trunk. I also packed away some extra posters that I could put on the wall In my dormitory. That's it I say to Leonardo, I'm all ready.

I'm bored so I decided to look and start reading my text books. I pull out The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) I begin skimming through the pages until lunch when Sirius calls me down to eat. Remus and Arthur are still here and we eat with them. Kreacher has made a stew with vegetables and I'm not sure what kind of meat. It tasted alright when I finished lunch I headed to the living room and I turned on the old muggle TV. There were some wizarding channels. I watched a quidditch match but after it was over I walked around the house.

I said hello to all the paintings. I eventually went back upstairs: I went into Regulus' room. It was very dusty but it was fascinating. He had many books and there was this interesting locket with a snake on it. It might have been from his Slytherin house. Regulus used to serve Voldemort until he saw what he was doing and wanted to stop him but he never did. Apparently the locket used to belong to Voldemort but I'm not sure. I put the locket back in the locked box Regulus had and locked it back up but I kept the key. I felt I had to keep it safe. Sirius didn't know about the locket. He barely even went into Regulus' room. I think it brought back too many memories.

I lived in Sirius' old room. All of his original furniture was still there. But I had some posters up and I moved around the furniture. I sat up in my room reading A History of Magic. I read the entire book, then I go to look at my wand. I'm still awed by it's beauty. I play with Leo, his feathers are very soft and his eyes a beautiful golden brown. It's nearly supper time.

I head down a little bit earlier. I see Kreacher preparing dinner. I offer to help and he rejects. Kreacher is a very loyal house elf but he's very cold when you ask to help him he feels it's disgraceful but I still ask anyway. I feel that house elves are equal but he doesn't think so. Probably because of what Sirius' ancestors did to them once they became old and weary. So since Kreacher doesn't want my help, I go to find Sirius.

I find him in the family tree room. He's looking at the wall. I don't think he sees me in the doorway but he acknowledges me and says hello. I come in and see what he is looking at. He's looking at his cousin Andromeda, her face blacked out by what looks like a cigarette burn. I look for Sirius' picture and it's also blacked out like Andromeda's. Sirius' mother would black out the family members who in her eyes were blood traitors.

Andromeda was blacked out because she married a muggle named Ted Tonks. They had a child, her name is Nmyphadora, I've never met her but she's Sirius' niece. I look at Andromeda's sisters. Narcissa and Bellatrix. Bellatrix married a Lestrange; they're a pure blood evil family like the Black's. Narcissa married a man named Lucius Malfoy, he was cruel and of pure blood status as well. They had a son who was on the tree, his name was Draco. It's a peculiar name, it means Dragon in Latin. He looked a lot like Lucius pale with platinum blonde hair. He looks like the boy I saw in Madam Malkin's shop interrogating the dark haired boy. That must have been him! He seemed cold. It was probably him.

I would meet him as I went to Hogwarts along with the dark haired boy. Kreacher called us to dinner, me and Sirius headed over to the table and sat down. We are eating some liver and kidney pie with pumpkin juice. Sirius says this is the type of food they serve at Hogwarts. This was so exciting I finally got to see people my own age and getting to learn magic but I knew it wouldn't be the same as home. Once I finished supper I kissed Sirius good night and headed up to bed. I wanted to go to bed earlier so I would have plenty of rest for tomorrow. I changed into my blue striped pajamas and got in my bed and switched off the lights. 

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