The Departure from Number 12 Grimmauld Place

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I set my alarm for 7:00 o'clock. So I could wake up nice and early to make sure everything was ready. I got up and got dressed into one of favorite T-shirts and jeans with my pair of converse. I triple checked my trunk and looked around my room very thoroughly to make sure I had taken everything I wanted to take. I had everything. I grabbed Leo's cage with him in it and took it downstairs.

I saw Kreacher making breakfast. I put Leo's cage on the table. I went to wake Sirius. I go to his bedroom but he's not there so I check the study. I see him there reading a book. I walk into the room and tell him that breakfast is ready. He gets up from reading his book and follows me to the kitchen. Kreacher had served breakfast, he made some porridge with berries on top. It was quite delicious once me and Sirius were done eating. He went upstairs to get my trunk since I couldn't lift it on my own. He used his wand to levitate it.

I went upstairs back to my room and I looked around it for the last time for the next few months. Even though I would be home in the next few months I still felt sad. I close the door and leave my room. I say goodbye to all the house elf heads on the wall and I say goodbye to all the paintings. We are bringing my things to the front when there is a knock on the door it's Remus. He helps carry my things and I carry Leonardo's cage. As we are out the front door I say goodbye to Sirius. I hug him tightly. "Write to me." He says into my ear. " Of course." I say back.

I let go and I apparate away with Remus. It's about 10 o'clock. We made a pit stop on the way because Remus had to deliver something to his friend. Remus takes me all around Kings Cross to get to the platform there. I'm awed by all the trains and people. We get to the platform where we see Molly, she's with all of her family. She had quite a bit of children, standing right beside her is a little girl. She looks about a year younger than me and she had a shoulder length hair cut. There is a tall boy with curly hair who looks very sternly. There are 2 twin boys with messy hair, and a younger ginger boy who looks about my age. He had a speck of dirt on his nose. One thing that all of Molly's children have in common is bright ginger hair even Molly herself had ginger hair. But there was another boy, one with dark hair and bluish green eyes.

It was the same boy I saw at Madam Malkin's shop talking to Draco. I say hello they are all very cheerful and say hello as well. One by one all of us board the platform. First goes the boy with curly ginger hair who Molly calls Percy which must be his name. Then the twins go " Alright Fred you go." Molly says to one of the twins. "He's not Fred I am!" The other twin says. "Honestly, woman you call yourself our mother." The first twin replies. "Sorry George," Molly says to the first twin. The first twin runs towards the wall but pauses next to Molly and says, "Only joking I am Fred!" Molly sighs and rolls her eyes as Fred goes through the platform. Then the actual George goes. Now it's just me, the youngest ginger boy, the little ginger girl who Molly says is Ginny and the dark haired boy.

The dark haired boy seems scared. Molly reassures him and tells him "Don't worry dear! It's Ron's first time too." The dark haired boy runs through the wall followed by Ron then I go. With my trolley I run towards the wall I pass through and see a vivid red train. I see all the Weasley children and the dark haired boy. I take my trunk and my things and I board the train. I look for a compartment. Everywhere is full. I keep walking and find the dark haired boy sitting alone in a compartment. I ask if I can sit and he says yes.

Shortly after Ron comes in asking if he can sit we tell him yes. He introduces himself, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." The dark haired boy introduces himself he says, "I'm Harry, Harry Potter." I'm in awe and so is Ron. This boy all this time was my brother! I had never felt more giddy. Ron asks, "Is it true? Are you actually?" Harry lifts up his hair and I see a lightning shaped scar on his forehead. "Blimey", Ron says. I introduce myself. I'm Y/N, Y/N Potter. I say a bit shyly. "Potter?!" Ron and Harry both ask shocked. "Yes." I say. "You're my brother". I tell him everything about Sirius and how I've been living with him. He tells me all about how he's been living with our treacherous Uncle and Aunt. I talk to Ron about quidditch and muggle things. I also talk to Harry about muggle things we all bond quite quickly. Ron says he's got a spell from Fred and George to turn his rat, Scabbers yellow. Before he can perform the spell our compartment door opens. A girl with wavy brown hair stands in the doorway.

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