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Amanda POV
I was hoping that Harry wasn't serious about leaving tonight it's the middle of the night we can't leave.
I remembered that Anne Harry's mum had gotten hurt the day that Edward kidnapped me and I never saw Harry again.
Thinking about Edward makes me sick to my stomach since he basically was the reason to all of my problems.
Like he turned me into a vampire, he kidnapped me and he took me away from my love, my soul mate and my family.
"Let's go" Harry said enthusiastically grabbing my hand and dragging me to Darcy's room.
He opened the door and turned on the lights and said
"Darcy wake up we are leaving to see your uncles" he said and then ran to Michaels room and repeated the same process again.
Then he helped the kids get ready and packed their clothes and bags while I zoomed in my room and got my clothes,shoes,accessories and girl stuff.
Once I was finished which was like in 3 seconds cause I counted I zoomed behind Harry and he turned around and looked shocked.
"How did you do that?" He asked curiously with the kids half asleep half awake next to him.
"I am a vampire remember" I said trying to refresh his memory that I am no longer Human.
"Oh yeah" he said in despair and sadness
"What's wrong" I asked and just grabbed the kids and their bags and walked down the stairs.
"Nothing" he said but I of course didn't believe him
I walked down the stairs and locked the door and put my bags in the trunk and got into the passenger side next to harry.
I turned back to see my kids buckled and fully asleep in a deep dream just snoring away, basically the whole car ride was full of silence and awkwardness until
"What's wrong harry?" I asked but he just sighed
"I know something is wrong" but he was just not letting me in.
"You want to know what's going on fine" he let out a breath and paused
"I am still in love with you" wait wait wait hold on a second, I thought he had already moved on with a girlfriend and everything.
"No shocker huh?" He asked but I was still confused as hell.
"I thought you had a girlfriend?" I asked trying to get some answers here.
"Who? Victoria? No she was just a fling" he said oh so he basically cheated on me with a whore.
"Was?" I asked and he looked at me and then back at the road.
"It's complicated" he said trying to avoid eye contact
"I am all ears" I said trying to prove to him that I wanna know the story.
"So how was life with Edward" he cringed when he said 'edward'.
What is his problem oh yeah he kidnapped me,married me and turned me.
"Amazing" I said trying to state the truth because it was the truth.
By the corner of my eye I could see him biting his lip and breathing heavily, his hands gripped the steering the wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white.
"Really" he said through his teeth and I nodded cautiously because I was frightened that he could get angry and turn.
"Yes. why do you care anyway?" I snapped looking at him in despair.
i couldn't understand why he actually had the audacity to come back into my life and think that everything was going Was going to be the same and that we were going to live happily ever after with our kids and forget that I was kidnapped,turned and married but I never stopped being married to Edward.
God I hope he is alright because I would honestly kill Harry if they did anything to him.
But I may not admit it to Harry or anyone but I am still very much in love with Harry and I never stopped.
I was never in love with Edward,i loved him yes but I wasn't IN LOVE with him yet at least.
Harry automatically parked on the grass in the middle of nowhere and turned to look at me
"You wanna know why I care? I will tell you if you answer this, Do you still love me?" He asked me his green eyes twinkling a bit from his tears.
I didn't know how to answer that at all I mean yeah I still love him but we can't anymore because I am married to his twin vampire doppelgänger.
He turned the opposite way and sniffled
I felt really bad now never ever in my life have I seen Harry Styles crying it just wasn't a believable thing to know of.
"That's what I thought" he said and went back on the road and not a word was said to each other the remaining of the car ride.

I have no idea what I had done but it was a mistake and I needed to fix it right away.

Hey guys I updated and I will update every week and please comment and vote if you like it and hope you guys have a good night and read my book roses are red please thank you

I'm Yours(Harry Styles fanfic) Sequel to You're MineWhere stories live. Discover now