Royal Birth

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Hey my beautiful lovelies I'm sorry I haven't updated but I will try my best to keep updating
Continuation of flashback

IT'S TIME!! The doctor yelled indicating the princess was about to be born.
The queen was sweating and gripping her husbands hand in pain.
"Alright my queen on the count of 3 you push as hard as you possibly can, 1........2.........3 ....PUSH!!"
The queen pushed as hard as she could and the doctors could see the baby's head and said " Good my queen just one more push" and the queen pushed as hard as she could muster and they heard a baby's cry.
The baby princess was born and everyone was crying tears of joy even the king, the queen was given her child to hold and she held her daughter with love and looked at her with adoration in her eyes.
"What is her name?" The doctor asked trying to fill out the baby's birth certificate, the queen thought for a moment and smiled.
"Amanda. Amanda Marie Clavell" she said with happiness in her voice and eyes but that happiness soon ended real quick.
One of the royal guards that had warned the king about the people knowing about the birth of the princess but those people weren't just people they were King Edward's army coming after the princess.He knew that his beloved princess was in danger and he had to think of something quick. Richard knew that Edward wanted to take Amanda because he could threaten Richard with his daughter by demanding the kingdom of Aries.

A thought occurred that he could send her, his queen and himself somewhere where no one could find them and his family would be safe and happy. So he did, he gathered his guards and told them the plan and he made it look like the baby died at birth so no one could come after her. He took himself and his family to somewhere far from Aries, and Edward and his people a place called Homes Chapel, Cheshire England.

End of flashback

Authors POV

Amanda was shocked with what she had heard she never thought that she was a princess and that she has a vampire family. But she still had questions to ask and answers to know.

"Why am I called the Princess of Darkness?" She asked slightly confused, whilst looking at Harry who had his head down.

"You are called that because you have so much darkness as power and you are a princess, one that carries this power so dangerous and deadly" answered Liam
So what? She thought. Are they coming after me now? Do they still think I'm dead?
Does Edward still want my kingdom? Is Edward still after my parents?
Wait what about Haylee I mean if they think I'm dead and Haylee is their second daughter then are they after my sister. Who's in line for the throne? So many questions bombarded her brain and she couldn't stop the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach that people, enemies could be after her family including Darcy and Michael.

What about Edward?

What about Harry?

"I need to sleep on this I have so many things on my plate, my husband is missing,my ex boyfriend is back, my kids are hybrids, my parents are in some war with vampires and I'm the princess of Darkness." She let out an exasperated sigh and said
"I'm going to bed with my kids. So can anyone show me my temporarily room please?" She said and Harry got up and showed her the way to her room.

"This is your room it has your own private bathroom and walk in closets and balcony, the kids have their own room right next door and mine is right across from you." He said pointing at each door and letting the kids go to their rooms and saying goodnight to them.

Amanda turned around ready to go into bed when Harry spoke up frightening her causing her to flinch and stop what she was doing.

"I still love you. You k-know that r-right?" He said stuttering she turned looking at him

Hey my lovelies I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been busy with school and now I'm getting ready to leave for Miami so I have been really busy lately but thank you for commenting and voting

Goal: 2 comments 4 votes and I will make a new chapter

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