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Amanda's Pov
Recap: He grabbed my hips and pulled me to his chest and placed his lips on mine.
I still felt the same fireworks and explosions but the weird part of it was that I kissed him back and it felt nice.
What am I doing?

He's your ex amanda,he left you and never tried to find you when Edward kidnapped you.

I ignored my brain for a moment and followed and trusted my heart because for once I actually enjoyed it and when Harry kisses me it's nothing compared to what Edward's are like.

Harry is gentle,passionate,sweet and sincere while edward can be rough,dominant,demanding and just not harry.
What am I saying Edward is my husband not harry!
Although I wish it was really harry

Stop it! Amanda! This is considered CHEATING!!
I put my hands on his chest and roughly pushed him away trying to gain my normal speed of breathing,harry just looked plain shocked.
Without even thinking I slapped him with so much force that he turned his head to the side and he gasped holding his cheek.

My god I wasn't even thinking straight oh god why the hell did I do that,i am a fucking idiot. He pulled his head back up and I saw a red handprint mark on his left cheek but that wasn't what scared me the most, it was his angry,cold amber gold eyes and his heavy breathing.

He lowly growled and I could see his canines lengthening and I took a step back and tried to think of something but then I remembered he can only turn at the full moon.
I looked at the moon from the window and saw a white full moon Damn it! Bad time to piss off a werewolf because when they turn they are way more stronger than vampires.

He screamed in pain and dropped to the floor holding his head and I had to calm him down before this gets out of hand.
"Harry.Harry please calm down" I gently soothed while sitting in front of him rubbing his back.

In return,he growled in my face that caused me to flinch and I heard a light moaning coming from the bed.

Oh SHIt I forgot about Darcy and Michael, Harry could hurt them or worse kill them but I won't let that happen even If I have to die.

"Mommy. What's wrong with daddy?" Darcy asked while rubbing her eyes and I looked at harry and his bones were cracking and breaking and he was growling loud.

"Nothing baby. I-I ,BOYS!!!" I yelled loudly and I heard a bunch of feet barging into the room looking scared at Harry.

"Get the kids out of here,Niall!" Liam screamed and Niall took the kids and ran vampire speed out the room. ( AN: all the boys are werewolves and have that super speed like vampires)

I heard harry moaning and groaning in pain and I saw his wolf hair all over his body and I was whimpering and sobbing, I couldn't bear to see him like this because I am still in love with him.

All of a sudden everything stopped and it was quiet and I saw Harry fully transformed into a werewolf and it was fucking scary even for me he looked like a true beast.

He turned around and glared at us through his deep no longer green brown eyes( picture shown on the side).

But he wasn't staring at us but at me, and my breath hitched in my throat,he lowly growled and I was suddenly pinned to the ground harshly and I saw Harry on top of me growling loudly at me.

I screamed and saw the boys trying to pry him off of me but harry wouldn't budge and held me down in his trap. I felt like his victim and I didn't have any strength but I did,i just didn't want to hurt him.

"Amanda talk to him" Zayn pleaded looking at me with fear and shock.
"Please we can't hold on much longer" Louis begged holding onto Harry's arm, but I had to listen it was the only way to get the boys safe,my kids safe,myself safe and harry safe.

"Harry. Baby listen to me,listen to me baby" I gently soothed and he just growled and I hesitantly brought my hand up and started caressing his face and he lightly moaned and his eyes softened.

"I'm right here baby, I am not going anywhere" I whispered and he lent into my hand and I knew it was working but all I had to do was get him off me.

i tried getting out of his grip which he growled at and I said softly " it's okay baby nothing is going to happen." And with that I got out of his grip and left the room to find my kids and niall.

But I knew that I wasn't alone

Hi guys sorry I haven't updated in a while but I had to finish this chapter and thank you for voting and commenting! I love you guys so much and please comment me on some ideas because I still have no clue on what to do so please do that. And thank you so much once again and bye my lovelies!

I'm Yours(Harry Styles fanfic) Sequel to You're MineWhere stories live. Discover now