Obtaining the powers of another zodiac

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A few hours after cabbage session, Y/n was resting from slicing down and capturing cabbages. He was currently chatting with Chris and Coco about his abilities, while Kazuma was testing his new skill create water.

Darkness asked Kazuma about her newly repaired armor, which he bluntly called it " some sort of armor some newly rich aristrocrat's son would wear"

"There're times when i like some genuine praise too. You never show any mercy, do you Kazuma? What do you think Y/n?" She said before asking Y/n.

"I think it's great, it's like it's never damaged at all." Y/n said. 

"Well... I guess i'm flattered by that. I'll take it as a compliment." Darkness said.

Y/n just chuckles at her. He then heard Megumin at his right, being.... aroused by her staff?

"irresistible, irresistible ! The luster of the manatite staff brimming with magical power...." Megumin said while seemingly rubbing herself against it.

"Megumin? The hell are you doing...?" Y/n asked with a large sweatdrop on his head. This snapped her out of it and caused her to blush like a tomato.

"I-i-i'm just very happy because i upgraded my staff that's all..." She stuttered before changing the subject. "What that in your arms by the way?"

This caused everyone in their party to look at what Y/n was holding in his arms, Y/n was holding what looks like a small snowman.

"Oh right, this is one of my silver keys, The Canis Minor, Nikora. Or Plue as i call him." Y/n explained. "They're non combat spirits, they take so little magic many consider then as pets." 

They then heard Aqua screaming at Luna about something.

"What was that? Hey you! What's the meaning of this? Just how many cabbages do you think i caught?" Aqua screamed at poor Luna

"W-well .... most of what you caught is actually lettuce..." Luna stuttered out.

"Why is there lettuce mixed in?!" Aqua demanded.

"There's nothing i can do about it!" Luna explained to Aqua.

"It's true that lettuce has a low redemption rate." Darkness commented.

"Huh... who would have guessed?" Kazuma said.

He then tensed with Aqua skipped over, obviously wanting to "borrow" some from him.

Y/n chuckles as Aqua tried to  convince Kazuma to lend her some money after learning how much he earned, before crying about a massive debt she racked up and begging Kazuma to lend her money to pay it off. Kazuma refused as he planned to use the money to escape the stables once and for all.

As they argued, Y/n was checking out the request on the request board, but was surprised to find only very difficult ones.  Luna explained that because one of the demon kings top generals had moved nearby, many of the weaker monsters had gone into hiding and leaving only the strongest running around.

One quest caught Y/n's eye, he took it off the board to take a closer look at it.

"Gather the Twelve Talismans"

"The twelve talismans?  Like the ones in jackie chan adventures?" Y/n thought. He then looked closer to see it was indeed the talismans from jackie chan adventures.

Y/n looked back at Kazuma to informed him of what he learned, only to sweatdrop when Aqua was... shaking her rear at Kazuma?

"Should i even ask....?" Y/n asked.

"Y-Y/n! It's not what i looks like!" Aqua said embarrassed.

"I really have no comment about this...." Y/n sighed.

One hour later

Y/n was on the way to the location of the quest, if they were truly the twelve talismans from the show, he could't let them fall in the wrong hands. And he was alone in this quest, Kazuma is joining Megumin with something, Aqua is in a part time job and Chris , Coco  and Darkness was doing their own things and could't join him.

"As long i don't have to deal with buffoons like the dark hand, i'll be just fine." Y/n grumbled under his breath, remembering how annoying they can be. 

Five minutes later

"Are you serious!?" Y/n roared as he fought off a trio of goons that reminded him of the dark hand.  The quest had been a trick, a way for someone to do their dirty work for them. Fortunately Y/n was able to see right thought their poor act.

The goons then was lifted into the air before being sent flying, Y/n blinked in surprise as he saw Libra was the culprit even though he didn't summon her.

"I take it your capable of Self Summoning?" Y/n asked his spirit.

"Indeed young master, i was able to do this thanks to you."  Libra explained.

"Thank you Libra, and now for the talismans..." Y/n said before going though the ruins where the talismans are.

After about five hours, Y/n was able to collect all twelve talismans. But ran into trouble along the way back to the guild. Such as encountering the trio of goons again.

"Alright kid, cough up those talismans." Goon one said.

"Yeah.... what about no?" Y/n replied sarcastically before blasting them with the dragon talisman.

"Woah!" The goons dodged the blast, before dodging repeated fire.

"Hey boss, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all....." Goon 2 said. 

"No, You think?" Y/n asked sarcastically as he lifted them with the rooster talisman before spinning them around before sending them flying.

He then used a combination of rooster and rabbit to quickly fly back to Axel. After reaching his hotel, he placed the talismans into a wooden box to store them.

He then laid down on his bed, wondering how to explain this to his party members. 

"I probably should't let Aqua get her hands on them, who knows what kind of damage she'll do with them." Y/n thought with a shudder.

Y/n let out a long sigh, deciding to rest as it was getting late.

The next day Y/n was the only one of his party members at the guild, Aqua was still at her part time job and Coco and Darkness was helping Chris with something and Kazuma and Megumin was doing the latters dally explosion. Odd, but he doesn't question it.

Y/n looked at the dragon talisman he was holding, wondering how did it and the others got into the world in the first place. If they were here, was Shendu here as well? What about the other objects and powers from the show?

Y/n let out a long sigh, there was too many questions and too little answers. He could only wonder what the future will hold .

Done and done, Y/n obtained the power of the Twelve Talismans from Jackie chan adventures. Next time, Kazuma's and Megumin's actions had angered a demon king general, can they drive him off? Read to find out Should Y/n obtain the Shadowkhan as well? Also what LBX armor you want Y/n to wear next chapter? And Y/n should use the CPU from hyperdimension neptunia as his takeover? Tell me in the comments bellow.

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