Y/n's important mission, searching for a shard of the elements

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Kicking off from last time, Kazuma was arrested as the exploding coronatite blew up a lords mansion. He was supposed to attend his trial, but he was specifically requested for a high ranking request. He was hesitant at first, but the rest of the party convinced him that they can handle it.

Equipped with Odin, he flew to a town that's quite far away from Axel. After a few hours, he reached it and he talked to the town leader who told him about a artifact known as the elemental star.

"Elemental star?"

"Indeed, legends speak of a powerful tyrant used it to rule over a large empire, until a brave hero shattered the star into five pieces. Without the star, the tyrant was easily defeated. To avoid anyone from using the star for evil again, the  hero hid the shards in different locations so it can never fall in the wrong hands again."

"Interesting story, but what does it have to with the job and why me specifically?"

"The legend is true, one of the shards is located at a nearby temple and a trio of evil doers is attempting to obtain it." The town leader explained. " We heard of you young man, you posses many powerful artifacts of old and yet is still kind and humble. We believe your the perfect one to keep the shard from the wrong hands."

" I understand, i'll keep the shard from anyone that would abuse it's powers."

"Thank you young man, you have our towns full support." 

Obtaining a map that leads to the temple and his pay in advance, Y/n equipped Odin's helmet and flew towards the temple before the evil doers the town leader spoke off get there.

Neptune: Wow JA, your first original idea huh?

Nep?! Why are you here? I thought Histoire had you do the paperwork you missed

Neptune: Nep junior offered to help me to finish it

Nepgear... Seriously, who's really the older sister of you two?

Neptune: Hey! Rude, i'm obviously me and i'm the best older sister in the world

I think that title belongs to both Noire and Blanc

Neptune: Nep what?! Lonely heart and Blanc?! Why?!

For one, they don't have Uni and the twins to do their work for them. Another is their both gentle yet stern with them, you go too easy on Nepgear sometimes

Neptune: And what damage did that do?

I dunno..., maybe you let her work on that robot that.... WENT HAYWIRE BLEW UP MY HOUSE!! And you knew she was going full mad scientist with it!

Neptune: Oh yeah... but hey, we let you live in us in our basilicom until it was fixed

Look, i'm running out of flex tape to fix the fourth wall with, so.... *I press the button under my desk*

Histoire: NEPTUNE!

Neptune: Uh oh, Histy is in Pisty mode, gonna go fast *She bolts*

Sorry about that guys, back to the story *The forth wall crumbles* I'll fix that in the meantime...

Y/n soon reached the temple, there he saw the evil doers he was told about. It was the goons from the talisman quest! Growling, he landed in front of them. "Don't you goons ever quit?"

"It's the kid! Get him!" Goon number one said before they charged at him.

Y/n rolled his eyes under his helmet before equipping the Beam Guarder and Retaliator, the then backhanded Goon 2 aside before thrusting the Retaliator at Goon 3, said Goon tried to block it with a knife but the twin bladed beam lance easily broke through and struck his shoulder, Y/n then slammed the Beam Guarder on his face, knocking him out. He then saw Goon 1 wearing some kind of armor.

"This is a kinetic armor, the more you hit me, the stronger my hits become." He bragged.

"Lets see how much it can take before exploding shall we?"


"Activating Extreme Mode!"

Extreme Mode activated

Odin's red core glowed as a golden aura burst from the armor and unleashing a strong gust of wind before receding slightly to reveal Odin enshrouded in a gold aura and it's red eyes were glowing as well.

Y/n then shot off like a like at the goon leaving a golden trail behind him catching the goon of guard, Y/n slashed at him a few times, he then sped behind striking a few more times before speeding in front before delivering one last strike that knocked him back.

The goons armor had reached it's limit with how fast Y/n was attacking and was now glowing brightly.

"Oh..." The goon could't even finish before he blew up. When the smoke died down, Y/n saw that the goon was alive, armor broken and barely conscious. Extreme Mode powered down soon after.

"Talk, who sent you?" Y/n demanded as he pressed the Retaliator against his neck, having a feeling they were under someone's orders.

"Like we tell you..." Goon 1 groaned before screaming when Y/n stabbed his shoulder.

"That's strike one pal, i'm not playing games." 

"Screw you.. AHH! " Y/n stabbed his other shoulder.

"Strike two." 

The goon wanted to let out another snarky answer, but Y/n had the Retaliator pressed against his forehead hard enough to draw blood. Realizing  that he wasn't joking, fear gripped his very being.

"It was lord Aldrap!" He cried out.

He then went on to spill about Aldrap's crimes of forcing any women he likes into marrying him while gathering powerful artifacts to use against anyone in his way.

Odin's red eyes glowed brighter and the air grew hotter in responds to Y/n's rising anger, he then threw the goon to his teammates.

"Leave,  i better not see you causing trouble again, or..." Y/n blasted a nearby boulder into pieces with combustion. "Else..."

The two newly awake goons quickly grabbed the final one before bolting, not wanting to see what happens at "else". "

Y/n then quickly flew into the temple, at a pedestal the shard. He quickly flew to it, when he landed he had a closer look at the shard. It looked like a yellow crystal that looked like a star piece.

It looks like a Z crystal but one side is slightly longer, like a piece of a star that's split into five pieces.

As soon as Y/n removed the shard from the pedestal, the temple began to crumble around him. Using the rabbit talisman, he made a beeline back to Axel, intent of stopping the trial. But to his surprise, his party was at the mansion waiting for him.

"Hey Y/n, what's took you so long to get back?" Kazuma greeted lazily, as if he was never arrested.

"Kurumi and Sawa did a little digging and found out about this crimes and presented it at court, now his is the one that's arrested and Kazuma  is freed of all charges." Darkness explained.

"He also hired goons to gather powerful artifacts." Y/n said before explaining what happened while he was gone.

" You managed to get a shard of the elemental star?! Which one?" Aqua asked in shock.

"From what i felt when i picked it up, the lighting shard."

"That means you can unleash bolts of deadly lighting, lighting that can shock me until i'm completely numb and unable too move." Darkness mumbled that she began to breath heavily and her imagination ran wild

Putting Darkness's thought aside, the party decided to celebrate Kazuma's freedom. As Y/n chatted with Coco and Chris about the shard, he also wonders what the future holds as the adventure continues.

Done and done and the final chapter of 2022, next time, the heroes meet Megumin's self proclaimed rival and Y/n will get a new weapon. What do i mean? Read to find out.

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