Stopping the Destroyer , unleashing the sword of promised victory

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When news of the of Destroyer spread, all of Axel was in panic, all adventures were called to the guild to discuss what to do. Once everyone has gathered, Luna spoke up.

"Thank you all for coming. Right now, all of you are the town's last bastion. The Destroyer is headed straight for us. Scouter's have notified us saying it has some sort of magical barrier. Does anyone here have advanced barrier-breaking spells?"

Y/n's eyes drat straight to Aqua. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Aqua, you have a  spell that can break barriers right?!"

"Huh? O-oh. Yeah."

"Jackpot! Luna! Aqua can break the barrier!"

Luna sprints over to them before placing her hands on Aqua's shoulders.

"Can you really?! If you can, then magical attacks might actually-... Ah!" But average magic would't do the trick... we need someone with real firepower..."

"Firepower huh? I think the crazy girl over there has it covered." Kazuma's friend Dust said as it pointed at Megumin.

There were mutters among the crowd saying things such as "Oh yeah, the crazy girl. and "The crazy girl, right.." and so on.

"Hold it! If you speak of me, i would have you stop using that nickname. Otherwise i'll show you just how crazy i can really be!" Megumin snapped.

"Yeah, yeah. Can you do it?" Kazuma asked.

"Oh... UH.. E-even one blast of my explosion magic won't be quite enough...."

"If only if we had just one more powerful magic user.." Luna muttered.

"I can help with that" Y/n said as he raised his hand.


"We can attest to that." Kurumi said. She and Sawa both remember the power of his noble phantasm in their last mission.

Soon Wiz appeared, shes technically certified as a adventurer and she wanted to help. Surprisingly, she also knows explosion magic, which is good as they'll need all the firepower they can get.


All of the adventurers were standing outside the gate waiting for the Destroyer . Y/n, Megumin and Wiz stood in front of everyone, they were told to aim for it's legs once Aqua breaks the barrier. Y/n had equipped Excalibur and was gathering magic.

"It's here!" Someone shouted.

They looked forward and in the far distance, they saw the ground is breaking . It suddenly shot from the ground and began sprinting towards them. It was the size of a castle and looked like a spider.

"Here we go! Everyone on your game! Y/n! Megumin! Wiz!" Aqua shouted.

"R-R-Ready!" Megumin shouted nervously

"You can count on us Lady Aqua!" Wiz called out while getting ready.

"You got it!"

"Behold the power of the gods!" Aqua casted her spell.

The Destroyer began to shine before something around it shattered.

As Wiz and Megumin began to chant for their explosion spell, Y/n also began to chant for his attack.

"Sheathed in the breath of the planet, a torrent of shining life. Feel its wrath." As Y/n chanted, his blade became cloaked in a bright golden light.



The attacks knocks the Destroyer off it's legs and it began to slide towards them, it eventually came to a halt a few feet away from Darkness.

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