Another holy sword found, meeting a knight that was also reborn?

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Y/n was on another quest, while his party finally decided to get off their lazy keisters and do a quest, though their doing a different quest since he was long gone by the time they decided to get their rear in gear.

Y/n was in a different armor as he walked to his quest, he's wearing a black roman like armor named  Achilles deed. His job was to deal with some Goblin like monsters that was bothering a nearby village, a powerful sword is said to be the reward  of the quest.

Y/n then noticed he arrived to the village and it was under attack by the monsters, he equipped on Achilles deed's helmet before charging in. Y/n equipped the  dark shooter and dark shield, Achilles deed's gun and shield.

Y/n then blasted the monsters at their heads, guaranteeing the kills. He then saw he was surrounded. He then decided to try something he hasn't tried yet.

"Attack function, Black storm"

Y/n stored dark energy at his Dark Blaster and shot it in the air and a violent dark hurricane came out and striked every monster that was near Y/n, the hurricane all but tearing the monsters caught in it apart.

When it died down, Y/n saw he managed to take out most of them, but saw there's still a lot more monsters left.

"Oh you got to be kidding me...." Y/n growled under his breath. Seeing there's still many more left. "These things keep popping out like  cockroaches ." 

Y/n let out a battle cry as he charged to face the monsters.

3 hours later

Neptune: Hold on a nepping second

Oh come on Neptune, what is it this time?

Neptune: Your just gonna go do a timeskip now?

Yeah so? There's literally hundreds of monsters and Y/n only took out a quarter of them with that attack function. Did you expect me to write Y/n mowing them down in detail? 

Neptune: Good point, but when are you gonna have Y/n use his takeover forms?

Soon alright? Somewhere this chapter soon.

Neptune: Great, now if you'll excuse me, Compa made pudding and i need my fix. (She leaves)

Ugh...... how is she a goddess again? At least she has the power to walk the walk unlike someone*cough Aqua cough*

After three hours of none stop battling, Y/n manged to take out all of the monsters. He was injured a few time, some of them were serious, but the horse and dog talisman managed to keep him alive.

After the town's people return, Y/n was gifted with the powerful sword that was the quest's reward. To Y/n's surprise, it was Durandal from dxd.

After the town threw him a feast as a thank you, Y/n flew back to Axel with his armor and used the rabbit talisman to speed up his trip

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After the town threw him a feast as a thank you, Y/n flew back to Axel with his armor and used the rabbit talisman to speed up his trip. But when he reached, he saw something... odd to say the least.

His party was pulling a caged Aqua into town, and the caged look damaged.A knight like adventure ran to them, recognizing Aqua has a goddess. He then demanded Kazuma what he was doing to her and to release her. 

Y/n used the snake talisman to turn invisible as he slowly descended to them, things got out hand when Kazuma stole the knight named Kyouya Mitsurugi's sword Gram, he's  two female party members told him to give the sword back, but being the pervert he is, Kazuma made lewd motions with his hands which creeped them out,  this caused Y/n decide to step in.


Y/n had used a bit of the ox talisman's strength to punch Kazuma's head to the ground like an ostrich, knocking him out cold.

This caused everyone present to jump, they took a step back in shock when Y/n deactivated the snake talisman and reappearing. Y/n returned Gram and apologized for his leaders action and assured Kyouya that Aqua was save. Kyouya thanked Y/n before leaving with his party, and that's when Kazuma woke up and took a few minutes to piece together what happened.

"Oi Y/n, what was that for!?"

"For being a pervert that's what!"

"That's no reason to concuss me!"

"Are your really that fragile? I didn't put much power in it."

"I think you cracked my skull open!"

"Don't be a baby, Aqua and i can heal you."

"It's still hurts like a (censor) you know!"

"Meh. And one more thing." Y/n dismissed before glowing in a flash of light, when it died down they saw Y/n transformed into a girl? 

" Y/n dismissed before glowing in a flash of light, when it died down they saw Y/n transformed into a girl? 

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Quick note, I'll be calling Y/n as Purple heart when his turn into her , same with the others. And i'll be calling he as she when transformed, just to let you all know.

"If you act like or even think like a pervert in my presence." She began while equipping her newest weapon and holding to his neck." I'll slowly chop off what makes you a man and make you watch every second of it . Capiche?"

This made Kazuma hold his privates and back off sweating in fear, knowing  Y/n wasn't one to buff about something like this.

"Wow Y/n, how'd you turn into a girl?" Coco asked as she looked at Y/n's new body.

"It's a magic i learned call takeover magic." Purple heart explained. "This along with three other forms came along with it, so i didn't exactly have a choice on the forms." She said has she turned back into Y/n.

"So Y/n, it must be awkward switching genders like that huh?" Coco asked.

"Very." Y/n said with a sweatdrop. "But i'm, sure i'll get used it."

Y/n then felt Durandal began to shake, he then sent it back to his requip space as he knew the blade has a mind of it's own in a way, even it has accepted Y/n has it's wielder, it's still very unruly, like a wild horse that needs to be tamed.

The party returned to the guild after Y/n repaired the cage with the horse talisman (Yes it can do that, i checked) to claim their rewards from their quest. Aqua was thanking Y/n a lot for repairing the cage has bringing it back in it's broken state would cost her much of her reward, which Y/n says welcome with a chuckle. 

Y/n could only wonder what the future will hold for him and his party as the quest to take down the demon king continues.

Done and done, Y/n obtained a new sword and stopped any drama from happening with Kyouya. He also used his takeover for the first time, his first transformation being Purple heart a.k.a Neptune. Speaking of which, where is she? (gets a call) Hello? Huh, that explains it. (Hangs up) The reason why Neptune didn't appear because she got kicked out of her basilicom again to get her rear in gear and do a quest. Anyways, next time our heroes have to deal with the Dullahan who returns. How will it go? Read to find out.

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