The first job, a new member appears?

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It's  been a few days since Y/n and Kazuma has been reborn into a new world, and it's been a interesting few days for Y/n.

While his party members were working  as construction workers, Y/n was working with his spirits. As his bond with them is interesting to say the lest.

Y/n has spent the last few days training in hand to hand, Capricorn has been helping him learn a couple of fighting styles.

One day in the guild, Kazuma said something about a job.

"A job?" Y/n repeated in confusion.

"Yeah, Aqua and i can't just keep working  as construction workers." Kazuma nodded.  " We'll never take down the demon king like this."

"And i'll never go home!" Aqua agreed. " So let's get a job."

They decided on a easy job of killing five giant toads.

A few minutes later

Aqua was laughing her rear off, while Y/n was chuckling. The reason? Kazuma was being chased by a giant toad, and he talked so big earlier as well.

Aqua offered to help him if he called her miss Aqua from now on, but when she tried to help..... she was eaten. 

"Mama mai..." Y/n groaned. " It seems physical attacks are useless against them, which limits my options." 

Y/n then took out a key, hoping that the spirit he's going to summon will help.

"Open! Gate of the heavenly scales, Libra!" 

In a flash of golden light, Libra appeared.

"Do you need my  assistance young master?" She asked.

"Use your gravity ability to pull my party member out of that toad." Y/n said while pointing at the still half eaten Aqua."

"As you wish." Libra said.

She then used her gravity powers to pull Aqua out of the toads mouth, before placing the slime covered Aqua next too Y/n.

Y/n then pulled out the weapon that was given to him by another spirit, the Fleuve d'étoiles . A whip made of energy.

Y/n wrapped the whip tightly around the toads neck, Libra knowing what Y/n was thinking, used her powers to tear out sharp chunks of the ground before hurling them at the toad, killing it.

Y/n looked over and saw Kazuma managed to kill the toad he was facing, the trio then agreed to continue tomorrow.

One hour later

Our trio were now having dinner, which were the toads they killed... and there surprisingly tasty. 

Kazuma complained that the three of them was not enough, he then suggested they recruit more members. Y/n and Aqua agreed, having more members would help them greatly.

The next day.

It's been a three hours since Aqua put up a recruitment poster, but not one has showed up. Until they found out that Aqua have written only advance adventures only.

"Hey, lower the bar a little. Advance classes only is asking too much." Kazuma said with Y/n nodding. 

"But... but" The (cough useless cough) goddess managed to sob out.

"I happened to noticed your recruitment poster." A young girls voice said out of nowhere, surprising them.

They turned to see a young girl that looks like in her early teens, she has shoulder-length dark brown hair and crimson-red eyes. She was wearing a classical witch attire such as a black coat with gold border, choker, a wizard's hat, fingerless gloves, and carries a wooden staff, also wearing a eye patch.

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