Meeting new party members, and cabbage season?

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Y/n could only watch as Kazuma talked to a possible new member, he could only sweatdrop at her excitement of what happened to Aqua and Megumin.

After a few minutes of this, Y/n decided to step in.

"Excuse me miss, we're exhausted from our quest, could you please give him until tomorrow to answer you?" Y/n said as she approaches them.

"Very well." She said before leaving.

The next day 

Y/n walked in the guild to see Aqua doing some party tricks, and Kazuma looks like a zombie. After Aqua was done, Megumin arrived, they all then when to have lunch.

Y/n then gets his Adventure card out

"So you can learn a new skill every time you level up huh?" Y/n said while looking at his card.

"First, you get someone to teach you the skill. Then the entry will appear on your card. Megumin explained. If you use your points on that entry, you'll finish learning it."

"Odd, i have  a few magics that no one taught me." Y/n said while looking at them.

"Requip, takeover, ice make and Crash.Is this that angels doing?" Y/n though thinking of the angel that gave him his wish.

"Does this mean if you teach me explosion magic, i'll learn it too?" Y/n asked.

Y/n quickly regretted saying that as Megumin got into his face in excitement .

"Exactly! That's exactly right Y/n. If you want to learn explosion magic, i'll teach you as much as you want! Heck, is there any other skill worthwhile to learn? No, certainly there's not" Megumin said excitement.

She then got closer to Y/n's face, too close for his taste.

"Come now! Walk the path of explosions with me!" The pyromaniac said .

Y/n gently pushed Megumin back. "Alright, alright. I'll learn explosion when i have the points okay?"  

The pyromaniac backed off, glad to hear Y/n may learn explosion one day.

"I been looking for you." Someone said while approaching them.

It was the knight that approached Kazuma yesterday, she then sat next to Y/n.

"Shall we continue where i left with your leader? Please let me join your party-" She said before being cut off by said leader.

"I refuse!" Kazuma said.

She surprised Y/n by moaning. "Such a snap decision."

Y/n sweatdropped, knowing it's best that she and Virgo never meet.

"Oh who am i kidding?" Y/n thought. " I'd be wasting my time if i tried." He mentally sighed, knowing the maiden spirit is able to summon herself.

"Haha! That won't do Darkness! You can't be pushy." A voice said while approaching them.  

"You might just scare them off." Another said as she also approached them.

They were two girls, one with silver hair and a light purple ombre of a sort. and another with Long red hair in a ponytail and a interesting wizards outfit.

"I'm Chris and this is Coco, i'm a thief while she's a arc wizard. As you can see, that girls is a friend of ours." The now  named Chris said.

Think Scarlet witch Coco from vanguard

"You girls are in." Y/n said.

"Huh? Just like that?" Coco asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's weird, but i can sense the potential of people, and i can sense a large amount from the both of you." Y/n said.

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