See you later

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**Josiah's POV**

"Santiago?" I yelled

He just kept coughing up blood

"This motherfucker" Uncle Alvaro

"You fucking shot my niece! You going to fucking pay bitch" Uncle Nesto said with a vein pooping out his neck and pointing his gun in the middle of Santiago's eyes

"Wait" We heard Catalina say, I turned around and let go of Santiago, I didn't give a fuck if I just dropped him

Jason and I ran over to Catalina and she looked horrible, she was breathing heavily, and she was coughing up blood, she was bleeding from her head because she had a cut on her head. She must've hit her head when she fell. Then I remembered that Sofia and Valentina got shot too, I ran over to Sofia

**Jason's POV**

"Get rid of the bodies" Javier sad to Dylan

"Aight boss, Kianna help me" Dylan said, she nodded

I held Catalina in my arms, holding on to her wounded chest, I didn't give two shits right now if my hand was going to get filled with blood

"Catalina, please pull through! I just lost my mom I can't bare to loose you too I-I love you" I said

She looked at me, and gave me a slight smile

"I... Love" she gulped

"You too" she said and her eyes closed shut

"No, No, No, No, No, No, No, Catalina wake up! Catalina wake up! SOMEONE CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!" I yelled as I cried and held her up to my chest

"On it!" Monica said as she started calling the ambulance

"Someone hide the weapons" Chanelle said

"Alright" Crystal said

"No, baby please wake up" I whispered to her holding her face with my hands

"Alright move people move out of the way, We got seven wounded people, two are unconscious the other 5 are still awake" the ambulance person said into something that looked like a walkie talkie

They came over to me and put Catalina onto a gurney

"This isn't a goodbye baby, I know you can make it, remember you have a family and we love you, please pull through I need you" I whispered to her as she got rolled away

Then they put Valentina, Sofia, Josiah, and Ryan on a gurney as well

"Sir, you have to come with us, You're wounded, we need to take that bullet out" someone said, I nodded and got on the gurney

As I got rolled away, I got flash backs of all the amazing times I spent with Catalina. I shed a tear but didn't move at all I just stared straight up into space

(A/N: pictures on the side or all the way up there👆)

I'll see you later Catalina

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