He can't leave me alone

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A/N: I'm sorry for the short Chapters😩

I got extremely furious

I shot all the goons I could

I didn't give two shits, if their was other bullets flying around, I ran over to my brother

"Axel!" I said as I held him in my arms

"Axel stay with me" I said

Soon his little eyes closed

"Auntie Linda!" I screamed with tears forming in my eyes

She came running towards me

She ripped a part of Axel's shirt and tied it around his wombed

"He's hanging in there" she said feeling his pulse

"We gotta take him to the hospital" she said, as she carried him to her car

We got into her car and sped off to the hospital

Once we got there I started screaming

"Help my brother, he got shot!"

Doctors came running out

They put him on a gurney and took Axel who knows where

"He'll be okay" Auntie Linda said

A tear fell down my face

My mom is in jail, and my dad doesn't care about us anymore, Axel is the only one I have in this world, he can't leave me alone

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