I Fell for a Gangster

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**day of the dance**

I had my curls pinned to the side and my makeup done and all I had to do was put into my dress. I walked over to my closet, took it out and slipped it on, It was a tad bit tight because my belly was starting to form, it was small, but you could see it a little bit. I took out my gold pumps and slipped those on as well

I looked at myself in the mirror and was satisfied with what I looked. I walked downstairs and saw everyone ready, Jason's jaw drop all the way to the under world. I saw two other girls that were linked arms with Jay and Loso

"Hi, I'm Jennifer!" I said going up and hugging them

"Monique, Clariyah, this is Jennifer as she just said, Jennifer, this is Monique, my girlfriend and Clariyah Loso's date" Jay said introducing us

"Do they go to our school?" I asked

"They just transferred here two days before We did" Loso said

"Cool" I said, I started walking towards Cesar and gave Jason a wink causing him to bite his lip while he was eye rapping me

"Lets go" Cesar said as we walked into the limo


We walked into the school and I swear everything was so beautiful, There was people dancing on the dance floor I went to the punch bowl and serve myself some punch then I went to sit down. GDFR by Flo Rida came on, and Cesar asked me to dance.

we've been dancing for about an hour now. then a slow song came on

"alright ladies and gentlemen grab meaningful person of yours hold them real close and dance" the dj said, Cesar grabbed onto my hips and slowly started swaying back-and-forth

He started signing his hands down almost reaching my ass. But I grabbed his hands and put them on my waist again

"Want to go back to your place and have some fun?" he said

I rolled my eyes making sure he didn't notice and nodded. I grabbed his hand and led him to the exit. but instead I took him to the back of the school. suddenly without warning he smashed his lips and to mine then he started sliding his hand up my dress. he was too strong so I couldn't push them off me.

"Help! help!" I started to yell

"Shut the fuck up!" Cesar said punching me in the face

"Get off her!" I heard Jason yell, then Suddenly I heard A gun shot and saw Cesar was bleeding but he was still standing and could still move

"If I go down, you go down with me" he said and I suddenly felt multiple sharp pains in my stomach, I looked down and saw he stabbed me, I groaned in pain and we both fell to the ground, Then all that was running through my head was

"My babies are gone." Jason came sprinting over to me, he held me in his arms, soon everything was starting to get dizzy

"No, no, no, no, no, Baby, Baby, stay with me" he said shaking me

"Catalina, I love you, please don't leave me, not now" he said

"I'm sorry this had to happen, I'm sorry I didn't come quick enough, this is all my fault, Catalina I love you" Jason said crying at this point

"Shh, Baby, I-I Love you too" I tried saying in between breaths

"But It's not your fault, This is what I get, because" I said gulping, soon my eyelids started getting heavier

"I fell for a gangster"

The End

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