It was me

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**Jason's POV**

I woke up and saw I was in a hospital bed, I looked to my right and saw Ryan, Josiah, Sofia, and Valentina there

"Hey man" Ryan said

"Hey" I said

"Where's Catalina?" I asked

They looked at each other with worried eyes

"They took her into surgery a couple hours ago, the doctor said the bullet was just an inch away from her heart they said we should've called the ambulance once she got shot because they don't know if they're able to save her" Sofia said with watery eyes

"It's all my fault, I should've stayed still and let the bullet hit me, if I hadn't moved she wouldn't be in the surgery room fighting for her life!" Josiah screamed as he rested his head in his hands

I sighed

"It's not anyone's fault, if anything it's that motherfucker Santiago's fault, if it wasn't for him and his mariachi band then I would probably be teaching her how to ride my penny board" I said

"How did it go for you guys?" I asked

"We just got bandaids" Ryan said

"But unlike us you however had to get surgery too, you got shot close to your kidney, you cane out of surgery right when Catalina went in" Valentina said

**A Couple Hours Later**

I'm finally able to walk, the pain is still there but it's bearable, I had Josiah, Ryan, Sofia and Valentina help me. My doctor told me I could leave tonight

"Thanks for helping me guys" I said

"No problem, lets go wait with my Aunts and Uncles so we can get informed on Catalina when she's out" Josiah said and nodded

**Catalina's POV**

I woke up and I went outside into the hospital hallway, I saw my aunts and uncles along with Josiah, Jason, Ryan and the girls sitting down

"Hey guys what's wrong?" I asked

No one answered

"Hello?! Heeelloo?!" I kept trying to get their attention, but they wouldn't answer

Then Andrès, Angel, Carlos, Fernando, Amado, Adrian, Miguel, Rodrigo, and Diego came walking in

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"What are you doing here?" Josiah asked

"I just said that" I said

"We came to check on Santiago, and Jennifer, believe it or not, we know she's Catalina, and we still think of her as our sister, Santiago might not but we do" Amado said

then a doctor walked up to them

"Is she out of surgery doctor?" Uncle Javier said

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked

"Yes she's out, we don't know for sure when she's going to wake up, because she hasn't woken up yet, but You may go ahead and check on her, she's in room 82A" the doctor said

"Thank you doctor" Auntie Linda said

"You can go first, you're her boyfriend" Auntie Linda told Jason

"What?! Who is this bitch? Sofia, hold my rings!" I said to Sofia

"Thank you" Jason said as he started walking to room 82A. I followed him. Once we entered the room, I couldn't believe who I saw on that hospital bed

It was me

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