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A Lot of people are getting confused with the time with my "Thugs have Hearts Too" book and this book

In my "Thugs have Hearts Too" book

•Linda (16 years old)
•Javier(17 years old)

•Dymond (17 years old)
•Alvaro(17 years old)

•Monica (17 years old)
•Mickey (18 years old)

•Chanelle(17 years old)
•Golden (18 years old)

•Kiana (15 years old)
•Dylan (16 years old)

•Crystal(16 years old)
•Nesto (16 years old)

This book is 12 years into the future

Just add 12 to their age from my "Thugs have Heart too" book (which is that list up there^)and that's how old they are in my "I Fell for a Cholo" book

In my other book its 12 years in the past

And also people are asking me if I intentionally don't put the 'r' at the end of 'Javier' cuz I mostly use 'Javie' instead of 'Javier'

And yes I do it intentionally, its not a spelling error

If you don't know how to pronounce it, here is how you pronounce it

Javie (Jav-ee)
Javier (Jav-ear)

Anyways that's all

Stay gangster 😘✌️

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