That went great

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He nodded

We went into his office

"What's up?" He asked crossing his hands

"Uh, well its about the deal you made with the Mexican Gang... Well I was wondering if you could-"

"Cut the deal because the leader of the gang if you're boyfriend and the rest of the gang are you friends?" He said raising an eyebrow

"How'd you know?" I asked

"When Your Aunt Linda called you, I was in the room with her, she put you on Speaker phone, and I could hear how in shock you were, and after Linda hung up, she told me that the leader of the gang was probably your boyfriend, thats why you sounded so in shock" he said

"Oh, well yea... Is it possible for you to cut the deal?"

He nodded

I sighed

"Buh, I have to have a little talk with this 'Santiago' nigga, I wanna mess with his ass and the rest of the gang" He said

I laughed

"Okay, and sorry, you guys came here for nothing" I said

"Nah, Linda and I knew something like this was going to happen, buh we came anyways, ya know, see if we can make deal with other gangs, or just relax for the whole month we're here"

I nodded


We were now just all in the back yard, we were all swiming

"Catalina! Yo phone is ringing" Auntie Linda said

I got out of the pool and went to answer it, I saw it was Mariana

"Hello?" I said into the phone"

"Hey Catalina wanna hang?" She asked

"I can't, I'm with my aunts and uncles and cousins house" I said


I covered the end of the phone and asked Uncle Javier if Mariana, the girls and guys could come over

Thankfully he said yes

"Mariana, text the guys and girl and tell them to come to this address" I said giving her the address

In minutes they were already here

"Eyy chica" said Carlos

"Aye guys, I'd like you to meet, my uncle Javier and Auntie Linda"

"Drug lords of Oakland?" Miguel asked

My uncle and aunt nodded

"And these are my uncles, Nesto, Varo, Mickey, Golden, and Dylan and My aunts Crystal, Dymond, Monica, Chanelle, and Kiana and My cousins" I said introducing everyone else

"I heard that yo ass was dating My niece" uncle Javie came face to face with Santiago

Santiago looked Terrified

"Uh... Y-yes s-sir" Santiago said

"Well, if you mess with her you mess with me, if you break her heart, I will search the core of the earth if I have to and have yo ass hunted and killed, have that burned into your brain if needed " uncle Javier said in all seriousness

Santiago nodded his head in fear

Then uncle Javier and the rest of my uncles burst out laughing

Making Santiago chuckle nervously

"Nigga you should've seen the look on yo face" Uncle Nesto said

"Wait so y'all was joking?" Diego asked

"No, Its just his face was hilarious" Uncle Javier said

"Now lets get back to the pool and order Chinese food" Auntie Linda said

Damn I think everyones going to get along pretty well

I Fell For a GangsterWhere stories live. Discover now