Are they the same girl or not?

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A/N: the guy in the picture is Josiah and by the way, sorry this chapter is kinda boring buh dont worry, I got a shitload of ideas coming at chea

Stay Gangster my Hoodlums💰💎👑

-ya gurl Magy😘

**At the Doctors**

**Catalina's POV**

I was sitting in the doctors office with Josiah, waiting for the doctor to come with my x-ray

Eww, I wanted to puke just looking at my wrist, hell nah that bitch made my wrist ugly, it was all bruised and swollen. The good thing is that my left wrist is hurt, and I'm a righty

The door opened and in walked the door with my x-rays

"Okay so, you're lucky, a little more pressure on your wrist and SNAP, your wrist could've been broken" the doctor said

"Buh no, your wrist is sprained, so nurse Grace will come and put a brace on that wrist and you'll be able to leave" he said

"Thank you doctor" Josiah and I said

He nodded back at us before leaving, then entered who I'm guessing was nurse Grace


We went to pick up Axel from school

"What happened to your wrist Cata?" Axel asked

"Uhh..." I didn't want to tell him that Santiago was the one who hurt me, I looked up at Josiah for some help

"She uhh fell on her wrist playing... basketball! Yea, basketball" Josiah said

"Yea! In gym class" I said

"Do you want Chinese food?" Josiah asked trying to change the subject

"Yesss!" Axel said excitingly


We got home and went to the kitchen

"Oh my god Catalina!" Aunt Linda said

"What happened?" Uncle Javie asked

"Santiago, saw me kissing Josiah's friend Lucas and grabbed my wrist and put to much pressure on it, and bow my wrist it sprained" I whispered to them so Axel wouldn't hear

"Why are you whispering?" Uncle Javie said

I motioned my head towards Axel, when they both finally got the message they nodded

"I'm going to fuck that boy up, Javier, Hold my earings" Auntie Linda said

"Don't worry mom, I taught him his lesson" Josiah said

"That's my boy" Uncle Javier said patting Josiah on the back

"I don't want her out of your sight, I want you to watch her like a hawk so you make sure she doesn't get hurt again" auntie Linda said

Josiah nodded

**Santiago's POV**

I swear That Jennifer Sanchez girl, looks almost exactly like Catalina

I could've sworn that she said 'Cata' before she tried and stopped herself from saying Catalina, Her voice is exactly like Catalina's, and when I heard her talking about me like I was a piece of shit at her lunch table, I knew Catalina wouldn't have told anyone because of how embarrassed she was of being cheated on

Catalina and Jennifer have the same cousin too, yea... I remember Josiah from that time I was at their house

And I sure as hell do remember when Catalina first came to this school and Made out with Adrián in the same spot she did when she made out with Lucas today

I didn't mean to hurt her, buh once I saw her making out with Lucas, jealously took over me

There's so many things in common with these two girls, buh also so many things different with them

Are they the same girl or not?

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