Will you be my Ride or Die?

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(A/N: I changed what Jason looked like because I didn't think he suited the book, although I definitely think Jack Gilinsky is hawt af. I just didn't think he was good for this book so check out the chapter 'Lawd Help Me' before you keep reading this chapter another thing is the guy in the picture on the side or up there is what Ryan looks like, I know it was suppose to be Jack Johnson but ya know its the same reason for why I switched Jack Gilinsky)

I woke up feeling sore ass hell, I looked next to me and saw Jason was still sleeping, I couldn't find my clothes so I grabbed Jason's t-shirt. It was oversized so it looked like a dress. I stared at Jason for a good minute. He looked so adorable when he sleeps. I gave him a kiss and then headed downstairs to make breakfast.

After I finished making breakfast. Jason cane walking down the stairs "good morning beautiful" I could feel his hot breath against my neck which sent chills up my spine

I giggled "good Morning, you hungry?" I asked
"very" he said back. We walked over to the Table and started eating. It was silent but a comfortable silence. "I've been meaning to tell you something" Jason said breaking the silence.

"And that is?" I asked, he sighed before saying anything. Which made me worry a little

"After you were in the hospital, and we didn't really see each other or talk for two weeks, the week after you came out the hospital I asked your uncle Javier and Aunt Linda if I could join your gang, so I got Jumped in and I know you're probably not approving of this but I only did it because I wanted to protect you, and Ryan kind of also joined as well" he finished off

I just smiled at him like a creep, he gave me a weird look as if I was crazy, then I just burst out laughing, then he was confused

"I'm sorry, it's just I can't believe you would think I wouldn't allow you to me in a gang and especially mine" I said in between laughs

"Jason I respect the decisions you make and if you think that being my gang will help protect me then you go ahead, but just remember you're not the only one protecting me, you have lots of help, like from My whole family aka the whole gang the girls and I can protect myself too ya know" I said he smiled

"I know so that's why I want to ask you this" he said, there was a small silence before he finally spoke up again

"Will you be my ride or die?"

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