I- Aranya- Party Crashers +Strange Seashells

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I thought I was going mad. Every night, I wouldn't be able to sleep for long. When I would sleep, eyes heavy with drowsiness, my palms would be sweating. Tears streaming down my cheeks. "What's wrong with me?" I thought. This happened after that fateful day. Every. Single. Night. I was kinda relieved that day, the day 6th grade ended. Finally knowing I wasn't mad.

TRRIIIIIIING! "Finally!" I thought. 6TH Grade had finally ended and I shouldered past the horde of 6TH Graders and caught up with my friends. We were making plans for an end of term feast at the beach. In the afternoon, I was waiting on the beach for my friends. I was waiting impatiently, when I saw something glimmer in the sea. It made me feel uneasy, for some strange reason but I quickly shook it off my mind when I saw my friends come. I waved to them. Well... I technically waved to the goodies in their hands. I rubbed my hands greedily, thinking of all the delicacies I was going to have. "Great way to show up on time," I scolded "Now all our plans are ruined!" I said, pointing to the clouds. "Don't worry," my friend Karnya said "The clouds are a long way off." A boy came running up to us. "Dhagra." I said scowling. "What are you doing here?" I demanded. "Can't I be on the beach? I live around here too." He said, returning my scowl. "You heard us when we were making plans on the bus." Isha, my other friend said. "Just admit it. You're here for the food aren't you?" I asked. "No.... Maybe....... Yeah." he said. "Fine. Whatever. Though, good you came for the food. You may not find our company enjoyable." I said grudgingly. "Come on." I said. I suddenly found a seashell. It was super pretty and it seemed to literally glow. I had a weird mental image. Something powerful and ancient stirred inside me. I felt alive. I picked it up, meaning to add it to my shell collection, when everyone seemed to disappear. Suddenly the beach was deserted except for my friends, Dhagra and me. Then, the world seemed to dissolve around me.

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