XVII- Isha- There is a traitor..... Oh no.

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I smiled when she woke up, and was sarcastic as always.

I poked her in the arm, checking whether she was a ghost.


"Sorry. Just taking a precaution."

Aranya rubbed her eyes, and said, "Where are the asuras?"

"Nilan did something really crazy. He just screamed, and all of them crumbled to dust."

"Where's the main dude? Durgamasura?"


"Wait...." She gripped my hand.

"Hoofbeats. 10 o' clock."

A guy in a chariot (chariots are so outdated) came, beaming towards us. He had dark skin, and midnight eyes. 

He grinned, and said, "Hello! I'm Durgamasura. Now you're going to die."

A stranger in a cloak walked up next to him. "Isha, Karnya. You two take Durgamasura. Nilan and I'll take the guy in the cloak." Aranya whispered.

We ran forward, yelling. Karnya and I pushed Durgamasura down. I channeled divine strength to keep him in that position. Karnya held her sword to his throat, and I brandished my trident. With all my force, I rammed it into his chest.

He screamed, and crumbled to dust. 

Nilan and Aranya were still having trouble with cloak dude. Aranya had a big gash on her forearm, and finally, she managed to remove that guy's cloak. He had golden armour and gold earrings. 

Oh gods. Everything that happened in the past few days. Our real enemies. Aranya's theories there was a traitor in our midst.

They were all true. The traitor was Karna.

The oldest child of Kunti. The oldest Pandava. 


But he just disappeared in a pool of darkness.

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