XVI- Aranya & Nilan- Biologically dead for 2 minutes

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Aranya's POV.

The poor guy didn't seem to have learnt English well. And didn't live long enough to sign up for a course.

I whipped around, and threw my knife into the guy's chest. He croaked into the ear piece: "Sabotaged. I repeat, sabo-" I crushed the mic.

He crumbled to dust.


We ran to a huge garden, which was roughly the size of a football field.

I wondered how long it would be before the green grass was stained red with blood. 

Ours or theirs.

Suddenly monsters began flooding the area faster than you could say, "No fair."

I began scything down anyone who tried to kill me, while simultaneously maintaining a protective shield around my friends.

I was tiring quickly, but my endocrine system supplied enough adrenalin for me to push further.

I was distracted for one second and - SMACK.

I was kicked to the ground. 

Someone stabbed me in the gut.

My vision went foggy. 

And I was sinking under a dark murky lake, which I had seen in my vision.

I was dying.

Nilan's POV.

I saw her fall. My first thought was, "No, no, no... This can't be happening."

I ran to her. I shook her, checked her pulse, but nothing. I cried. 

My emotions were jumbled, and none of them were good.

Worry, sadness, fear.

But they were replaced by a new emotion. Anger.

I roared, feeling anger I'd never felt before.

All of those demons crumbled to dust, and I shook with anger.

"Wake up, wake up."

Nothing happened. Her skin was as cold as ice.

Aranya's POV

My brain whirred. All I could do was think. Nothing else happened. I tried to move my arms. Nope. 

I tried to swim back to life. Nothing happened. 

A cold voice inside my head taunted me, "What's the point?"

And I listened to it. What was the point?

Nilan's POV

I saw the bracelet she made me tie on the island. 

I took a deep breath, and said in a steady voice, "Wake up. Remember your promise."

Aranya's POV

His voice resonated in me. It went through my bones. 

Wake up. Remember your promise.

It stirred something inside me. 


A buoyant force pushed me upwards, which I instantly recognized as life.

At first, Death weighed me down, but Life was stronger.

More resilient.

Much like the memories I had for the people I loved.

A pulse leapt to my throat. 

My heart started beating.

And I woke.

Nilan's POV

My heart leapt. She was awake. I hugged her as tight as I could, and she patted my back, saying, "Do you want to kill me?"

I laughed. Karnya and Isha looked like they'd witnessed a miracle (which they had)

I hiccupped, and said, "You were literally legally and biologically dead for 2 minutes."

She smiled, and said, "Eh, I'm a miracle. Plus, you weren't getting rid of me."

She grimaced at her bloodstained shirt.

"I'm wondering how to explain all this blood to my mom."

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