XII- Aranya- Aye, Aye Professor Dumbledore!

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We all have our own versions of Death. So did I, before I met Death as a person. I always thought Death was pain, and then sinking peacefully beneath a dark murky lake. This continued even after I found out Nilan was Death.

I felt a funny jolt. My eyes snapped open, and the first thing I saw was a canopy of trees. I got up, and staggered. The visions were disorienting. 

Then, I felt a searing pain in my gut, and my vision went foggy. I was now sinking beneath a dark, murky lake. Then, I was back under the canopy. 

My abdomen and vision were fine. But that lake..... that lake was the exact image of how I pictured Death. And I had a sneaking suspicion that, that Death was mine. And it was close.

Karnya suddenly came in, and I tried to be my normal self. I said sarcastically, "I didn't know we were camping." Though, it took my willpower to not cry.

Her bottom lip trembled, and her voice full of sadness, she said, "Why didn't you tell us?" 

It took me a moment for what she was saying to sink in. I sighed and said, "I thought I was going mad. I-I thought it was a dream, and it came true... I didn't know I had those powers. I'm sorry." 

At that time, Nilan and Isha had come in too. "What happened last month?" they all asked.

I said, "I had a dream. In it, I found out I was going to be captured. I saved myself in the dream. I thought it was the effect of the horror movie I had been watching. The next day, the exact same thing happened. I saved myself. This time, in real life. That's it. Happy?"

I guess my expression was so guarded, that no questions greeted me. I looked upwards, and saw that evening was fading into night.

"I'll take first watch. Who wants to take it with me?" I said.

Isha and Karnya both pointed at Nilan.

"First dinner, then sleep." I demanded.

Karnya groaned and said, "There are still granola bars left. That stuff's making me sick. I wish we had, like, a feast, so we could be comfy and all."

No sooner said than done.

A delicious feast appeared, with butter chicken, murgh malai, prawns. There were vegetable curries of every kind, and daal. 

There was tons of roti, and my favourite one- rumali roti. And the sweet dishes were kalakand, Gulab jamun, halwa. Just thinking of it is making my mouth water.    

"I'm guessing this is your power. I now declare you my new best friend!" I called. 

Everyone laughed, and we got to work, finishing all that food. And, later, there was not a scrap left. Eating granola bars for three consecutive days  can do something like that to you.

Nilan and I took first watch, while Karnya and Isha slept. 

"You know... I now regard you as my sister." Nilan said. I stared at him and said, "Thanks? Though now you'll know the torture my cousin brothers go through."

He grinned, and said, "I think I can manage that."

His smile then faded, and said, "What d'you think?" "Hmm?" "I mean, while we were getting the first pearl, the asuras knew where we were, and what we were doing. How did they know?" 

I sighed and said, "I'm pretty sure there's a spy in our midst. But, we can't do anything, other than trusting each other."

He smiled, and said, "Aye, aye, Professor Dumbledore." 

I laughed. "What other powers do you have?" he asked, eagerly.

"I think.... I think I can read people's minds, and then locate people. Also, I can memorize anything."

"Now you're just describing El from Stranger Things."

"Ha-ha. No, I swear."

"Fine. What am I thinking about?"

"Hmmm, you're thinking about how much TV you're missing out on during this mission."

"Man! You are good!"

"Told ya."

I suddenly heard a rustle in the leaves. Nilan heard it too, and we jumped up, keeping our weapons ready. Turns out, it was nothing. Suddenly, I got an idea. 

"Hey. Let's climb that tree." I said, pointing to the tree above us. 

I started climbing it, and he followed me.

"This is a nice view." I said, pointing out the island under the moon. "Yeah.. anyway, why did you bring us here?"

"This tree is a peepal tree. It's supposed to be sacred. So, I make this vow, that I'll always protect my new brother and sisters."  I tore a leaf and tied it around my wrist. Nilan did the same. 

"So, I guess I need to wake up the girls." "Yeah....." 

I jumped down, and kicked the other two awake. 

"I don't wanna get up." Isha said stubbornly.

"Too bad, you two need to take watch now."


They got up, and I went to sleep. My last thoughts were where we could find our celestial mounts.

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