III- Isha- Like, this place has the worst service, EVER.

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Okay. So the most awkward day in my life was that (obviously). After a voice said to close my eyes and I did and heard inside my head, "You are Parvati, the Mother Goddess." I opened my eyes again and saw a bracelet on the ground and thought, "Sweet! Free jewellry!" I put it on my wrist and it fit perfectly. Karnya had a necklace with a clasp. Aranya and Nilan had almost identical gifts. They were sticks. Aranya's was made of cedar and Nilan's was made of sal wood. Aranya looked agitated. "Perfect." she muttered, "While we play fetch with our sticks, they can accessorize." "Don't worry. These are powerful weapons. They will wake when the time comes. You are more than what you use to win. That instrument is just a tool, but you are it's wielder. Your power is limitless." Queen Draupadi said. "They aren't my sister on the weekends! And, we haven't won yet." Aranya shouted. "They can't wake when the time comes!" I decided to go over there and calm her down. Karnya followed me. "Which god did you get?" I asked politely, as if approaching a wild tiger, which honestly would be easier than doing this. Then it suddenly hit me- Aranya was scared. "Saraswati. The goddess of wisdom, arts and speech." She replied. I asked Karnya the same question. She said, "I got Lakshmi, goddess of wealth and fortune." Aranya's gaze slid to Nilan, who looked like he'd been crying. "That means you got Dharma Raja, god of death and justice. He pulled out a small piece of rope, which he must have put in his pocket, along with his stick. Aranya still had her stick in her hand. "Why are you crying?" she asked gently. (I bet you're surprised too. She's never this gentle. DO NOT tell her I said that.) "I'm the god of death. I'll only get you guys killed. I don't want to come." Nilan said. Aranya started thinking as if deliberating the pros and cons of him not coming along. I was worried that she would say something snarky and make him cry since he was at the tipping point, but her dark eyes remained serious. " You'll be fine. You may be able to sense death or something, which will be awesome." I did not see what was awesome in sensing death, but it was Aranya talking. "Now you need to go. Time is of the essence." The second oldest man said. We were unceremoniously flushed down to a food court. It was dark as if it was night. Then I realized it was night. All four of us had a haldi map, or it's also called turmeric paste. We had a map of turmeric paste on our hands. I vaguely remembered Queen Draupadi waving her hands and the maps appearing on our hands. I saw three small pearls. In the middle of our hands was a number 9. "What! We already lost a day!" I exclaimed. Aranya said, "They said time travels differently in celestial and monsterly places." Continuing with the description of the map. There was a jewel and then there was an island city. "Okay." Aranya said, "We need to press our skin where the pearl is there. Then we will be transported to wherever that pearl is there." "Wait!" Nilan protested. "How will I go with you?" Aranya sighed and said, "Put your hand on my shoulder." He did. "Now we can go." she said. We pressed our skin and were transported to a restaurant. Its name was SU Unda. The name was pretty funny, but I felt uneasy. But we had to go. The pearl symbols on our hands were glowing as if they were tracking devices. We went inside. "Hellooooooo?" Nilan asked. His voice echoed. Aranya kicked him and whisper- hissed, "You idiot! You know there are monsters on the lookout!" Suddenly, two monsters appeared. Speak of the devil. (Get it?) They had to be brothers since they looked identically ugly, but one was bulky and the other was small.(Is it just a cliche or is it true that all monsters are ugly? Or is it just me?). "Well, well, well. What have we here?" one asked. I could have sworn Aranya wanted to ask, "Are you blind? Can't you see that we're kids? And we are not 'things'." I elbowed her before she could say that. I said quickly, "We're customers! We want to receive your hospitality!" (Was that correct grammar? Ah, forget it.) The smaller one moistened his lips and said, " We have been expecting you! Please make yourselves comfortable while we get the menus."

PS- I know this is pretty long..... Sorry, but I hope you like it!

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