VII- Aranya- How am I thinking about Harry Potter?

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I was scared. The stakes were high, but simple. "It is a matter of honour. If you are honourable, you will let us discuss this." I said. Shakuni grumbled, but said, "Fine. But you get 5 minutes." I quickly gathered everyone and Karnya hissed, "What did you do?!! You know that his dice follow his every command!" 

"Don't worry I've got a plan." I said, hoping to sound more confident than I felt. "Nilan can make a moving illusion of him to confuse the magic of the dice. It will tire him, but he should be able to stay awake. We'll cover him." "Okay." I announced, "We are having a representative play for us, since we know nothing about the game. We hope you don't mind. And swear on your soul that you can't object to our representative." 

"I can allow that." Shakuni said. "Come on." I said, giving Nilan a thumbs up sign. He closed his eyes and a shimmering man, a twin to Shakuni. He was moving, but Nilan had to bite his lip in concentration. There were lines around his eyes. I decided not to stall, since he looked like he was about to pass out. "This is our representative!" I announced, smug. Shakuni looked like he was trying to swallow a marble. "Fine." he said, though his voice went up at the end, as if he knew our plan. If I made a GIF out of it and posted it on Youtube, I would've gotten a million likes. Honest. Anyway. 

Shakuni said, "I agree to your terms." The game started. No one won and no one lost as the dice's magic got confused with the two Shakunis . Finally, there was nothing left. Shakuni got so frustrated, that he wailed, "It's not fair! It's not fair!" He got up, threw the dice away, and summoned a huge gale of wind and threw me across the parking lot. 

"Ow." I muttered. I felt that a bitter liquid was there in my mouth and realised that a tooth had come out. Luckily, it was a baby tooth, the one that needed to be extracted. I tried to get up, but to my horror, my hand was dangling from a funny angle. It took me a second to realise that my hand was broken before the pain set in. "Aranya!" Isha yelled, before the three of them came up to me. She took out her handkerchief and grabbed a few wooden boards for splints and wrapped the handkerchief tightly around my wrist, for minimal movement. 

"Why didn't you throw Nilan across the parking lot!" I demanded, "It was his illusion." "But it was your plan. He couldn't have thought of this in a million years!" Shakuni said. "Rude." Nilan muttered. "Anyway. Now are you going to come or am I going to have to blast you children across the parking lot too?" Shakuni asked innocently. "Okay." I said, standing up wobbly, and saying, "We are not children." "Umm, we kinda are...." Isha interrupted. 

"I know! You just ruined a perfectly good line!" Shakuni raised an eyebrow and said, "You were saying?" "Yeah. Anyway, challenge accepted. But I doubt a wimp like you will have the courage to fight four children." I taunted. 

He growled, as if I was testing his patience (which is exactly what I wanted.) and said, "You're testing my patience child. This battle you cannot win, for I am immortal." A thought came to me. If he was immortal, then he could not be killed- that's for sure. But what if he could be captured. That was a thought....... The piece of rope Nilan got! 

Draupadi had said that they were powerful weapons. If my weapon was my characteristic weapon, then maybe Nilan's was too... Before I could think more about it or even try to contact my friends through the mind link, a searing pain shot through my limbs. It forced me to the ground, groaning. It certainly did not help my broken wrist. "Somewhere at the back of my mind- the part that was going crazy because of the pain- thought, "If the Cruciatus Curse was real, it would be like this." Another part thought, "Shut up! What are you thinking about! Try to bear the pain." 

Another part thought, "You should really stop talking to yourself." And I agreed. I writhed on the floor and Isha screamed. I don't know how, but I got through to Nilan through the mind link, and said, "HE MAY BE IMMORTAL, BUT HE CAN STILL BE CAPTURED." 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" he asked. "YOUR ROPE! IF OUR WEAPONS ARE OUR CHARACTERISTIC WEAPONS, THEN YOUR ROPE SHOULD BE YOUR PASHA OR NOOSE WHICH YOU USE TO ROPE THE SOULS OF THE DEAD!" I exclaimed. He carefully took out the rope from his pocket, but then the two of us heard a yelp. It was from Isha. Shakuni had caught her and was pressing a knife against her throat.

A/N- This was a long one. About 830 words.

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