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Ok, five minutes to wait, one more to go......that's not so hard.....right? Zelda thought to herself. This one minute is going by like it's an hour, it's practically killing her. She's scared out of her mind, one of two things could happen. Zelda has a lot of suspicion, she's hoping she isn't right.

This is the one time, she doesn't want to be right.

Tapping her foot impatiently, watching the timer, wishing it would go faster. It's going teasingly slow, like it's mocking her. Laughing at her probably. Zelda huffs a nervous sigh and starts to bite one of her sapphire colored nails.

What happens if I am right? Will Skylar leave me? Will my parents disown me? What would my friends do? Leave me? Support me?

These questions buzzed and bounced around in Zelda's mind. Not giving her any peace. She looked toward the timer, still mocking her. She then looked at the stick on the bathroom counter. It's just a simple stick, but at this moment, it's a stick of fate. This hand length, simple stick controls Zelda's whole future.

The timer finally goes off. Zelda takes a huge calming breath and picks up the stick, slightly shaking.

Zelda looks at the stick. She gasps and a hand covers her mouth and a single tear streaked down her cheek.

She is pregnant.

Just too YoungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora