Chapter 4

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***next day***

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I woke up to my phone going off, to wake up for school. Good thing it's Friday though. I shift my position and my head landed onto a nice warm pillow. Wait a minute......My pillow isn't this warm. I opened my eyes and saw my head was on my boyfriend's chest.

Mom must have let him stay over. I thought.

"Hey sweetie, it's time to get up." My mom said coming into my room. I shushed her immediately, I wanted to wake up Skylar. She smiled and nodded, understanding what I wanted, and walked out my door.

I looked over at my sleeping boyfriend. I just sat there looking at him. He somehow looked a lot hotter and cuter when he is sleeping. As much as it killed me, I had to wake him up. So I reached up and gave him a nice soft kiss. At first nothing happened, but then, I felt him starting to kiss back. I pulled back and looked at my now awake boyfriend.

"Now that's what I call a good wake up call." He said with a lazy smile.

"Whatever. Come on it's breakfast time, we have to get up. It's Friday." I smiled, get out of my bed.

"I don't want to go to school." He groaned in response.

"I don't either, but we have to." I smiled and dashed out the door.

I heard heavy foot steps follow after me. He's chasing me. I giggled and ran faster. I got to the living room, that's when Skylar caught up to me. I squeaked as his arms wrapped themselves around me and picked me up.

"I caught you." I could practically hear the smirk in is voice.

"Skyyyy......I'm hungry....." I whined. I turned to look at him with the puppy dog look.

"Don't give that look." He said. I deepened the pout.

"Okay, you got me." He sighed, giving up as he set me down on the ground. I giggled and kissed his cheek and went to the dinner table to eat my breakfast.

~~~ skip the rest of the morning routine, they are already at school. Why? Cause I'm lazy~~~

"Hey there Zel." Tori said as she came up to me, Skylar and Emily. Emily found us in the school parking lot.

"Hey there Tori." I smiled towards her.

"Gosh Tori, I'm hurt that I didn't get a hello." Skylar put a hand on his chest, pretending like it hurt him, making Tori laugh.

"Hey there Skylar." Tori said, sarcasm dripping off every corner of her voice.

"Hi Tori." Skylar smiled. Tori just rolled her eyes.

Soon, Aria, Courtney and Juliet came up and joined our little group. They came up and said their hello's, but Juliet looked, why googly eyes, over where Skylar was at. At first, I thought she was looking at another guy, but I looked over at Skylar looking slightly uncomfortable.

"Hey the Skylar." She said to Skylar in a flirtatious voice and giggled a little at saying Skylar's name. The whole group went quiet at this. There was always an unspoken rule between us friends, never hit on another girl's man. Juliet breaks this rule on many occasions, but never in front of the girls.

I tensed up about to say something mean to her. Skylar wrapped an arm around me and pulled into his side, trying to calm me. She has always wanted Skylar, it got worse since he asked me out.

"Hey Juliet." Skylar said awkwardly. "We're going to head off to class now. See ya after school." He said as he led me towards my first block class.

"Juliet why would you do that?" I heard Emily ridicule Juliet.

"Yeah, that was totally uncool." Tori added on to Emily.

What surprised me the most was when I heard Courtney's voice speak up. "Yeah Jules. You had time back in eighth grade to go after him, you didn't and now Zelda has him. You need to back off."

"Whatever." She snapped and stomped off.

Good thing it's spring break after today. I don't have to see her for the week.

*Well, ain't Juliet a bitch. Well, other words, I'm getting better at my updating rate =P. The picture is Tori. I'll update as soon as I can. Well, until next time my little Dragon babies*

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