Chapter 2

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" long to we have to wait for them?" Emily groaned.

"I don't know, they got caught in traffic, apparently it is bad." Tori said with a sigh.

We're currently sitting in the food court waiting on both Aria and Courtney. Then I got a sudden right in my head, do I have any money on my debit card? I pulled out my phone and texted my mom:

Hey mom, is there any money on my card? I'm at the mall why Emily, Tori and soon to be Aria and Courtney.

I sent the message off and turned my phone off and set on the table. I watched, with an amused smile, Emily be impatient. She's never been the most patient one. My phone vibrates, my mom texted me. The message read:

Yeah, there is. I just checked it, you have about $300, I put an extra $75, so you can have a little bit more so you can get whatever. Will you need a ride home?

I replied with:

Thank you momma!! No I won't need a ride, Skylar has already offered. Can Skylar stay over after?

She answered back:

Ok. Of course Skylar can come over, whenever is he not allowed?

So, I answered with:

Thank you momma

I got nothing in return after that, then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see that Aria and Courtney have now arrived. I stuffed my phone in my purse and stood up.

"We all here? Good, let's get shopping!" I said with a smile.

"Yes, I know a good way to start!" Emily said with so much excitement as she dragged into a store. I barely got a look at the stores name.....Victoria's secret.......great. She knows that it's mine and Skylar's 4 year anniversary within the next few weeks.....this can't be good. And she knows my size.......

"Emilyyyyyyyy.....whyyyyyyyy???" I whined.

"Because, it's going to be your anniversary soon, and I think you need something sexy for it." Emily winked.

I blushed hardcore.

"Hmmm......your thinking of doing something daring, Zel?" Courtney looked at me with a smirk. "Doesn't seem like you, but if probably go with the black lacey push-up. Well, while we're here, I'll shop around for me."

I halfway glared at her as she disappeared into the store. She's going to find a way to use that against me some how. I just know it.

"Ok, your still getting something, even if I have to pay for it myself." Emily declared.

"Ok, fine." I signed giving up, it's impossible trying to change her mind once it made up.

Emily started going through all the different lingerie. I just sat and waited.


"Haha! I finally found the right set!" I heard Emily call. She came and found me and shown me. It was a red. The bra was like a white with red lace covering it, while the panties were boy shorts and the colors were white with red lace bordering the edges.

"Great are we done yet?" I asked.

"Yes, I need to pay, then we can carry on shopping." She laughed as she went up to the check out desk. Once she finally paid, she handed me the bag. "Let's go"

"Finally, I can shop for myself." I joked.

"Shut up."

*A/N: Yo, I wanted to give all another chapter before tonight. I usually can't keep up like this, I shoot for at least one a chapter, but yeah. The picture is how I picture Skylar. Tahtah for now my baby dragons*

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