Chapter 8

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Mrrrowww! I heard my cat yell out as he jumped on top of me. I didn't want to get up, so I turned and snuggled up to the bare chest that belonged to Skylar. That didn't stop my cat from trying to wake me up. He started to walk on me.

"Fine Legolas, I'll get you food." I groaned. What? I was raised on lord of the rings trilogy because my dad loves them. As soon as I said this, my cat meows and jumps off the bed. Pfft. Needy cat.

I got up and put my fluffy robe on and walked out of my room and down the stairs. I heard the running footsteps from Legolas and felt the soft fur brush on my leg as he ran by. I watched Legolas jump onto the table, waiting for his breakfast. I scooped up some food for him and have it to him. Since I'm up, I'll make breakfast for me and Skylar.

So I pulled out some biscuit mix and started to make some of my fluffy biscuits, since Skylar absolutely loves them. So I made them and threw the raw dough in the shape of biscuits in the oven and set the timer. I was thinking of making homemade sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits. Maybe I'll add some gravy, just to add some option, also my mom would be coming home at some point, so I'll something for her as well.

As I was finishing up the gravy, the timer for the biscuits went off. They were done. So I pulled them out of the oven and set them down to cool. I fried up some sausage and eggs and cut open the biscuits and made my famous breakfast and put them on an plate and headed upstairs. When I got to my bedroom, I saw Skylar still sleeping. I put down the plates and walked over to him.

"Skylar sweetie, time to wake up." I said in a sweet voice, trying to wake him up. Didn't work.

''Skylar I have breakfast here. It's your favorite, homemade sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits." I told him in my normal voice. As soon as told him what the breakfast was, he got up and grabbed his plate. I rolled my eyes. Typical male.

"Thank you, my precious bunny." He said giving me a kiss.

"Typical male, only gets out of bed for food." I joked.

"No, I get up for school." He retorts.

"That's because you have too, if it wasn't mandatory, you wouldn't get up for it."


I smirked. "Can't even deny it."

"Yeah, shut up."


"Zelda, I thought you said that your brother was going to be here." Tori complained.

"Well how else was I suppose to get you here?" I said half seriously. Emily snickered a little bit next to me, sensing my humor behind the statement.

"Really? Zelda, your unbelievable, you know that?" She scoffs. "But seriously, is he coming?"

"Yes he is, in a matter of fact, he should be rolling up right about.." I started as I looked at my phone for the time and looked to the road and saw his truck pull up, "..Now."

I saw Tori's light up with excitement as Alex gets out of the truck. Me and Emily shared a knowing look, our plan is set in place.

"Ready to go Tor?" Alex says as he reached us.

"Go? Go where, girls?" Tori asks confused.

"Well Tori, Emily and I are going to go shopping while your going on a date with Alex." I told her. Tori sits there stunned. It's her dream come true. I'm suddenly wrapped in a hug by Tori.

"Thank you. I'll be able to repay you." She whispered in my ear.

"You don't have too, it's my pleasure. A gift, for one of my best friends." I Whispered back. "Now get going girl, your date is waiting. It's going to be good, I Know because I helped him plan it." She smiles again and hooked arms with Alex and they started their date.

"You know Zelda, your a great friend." Emily stated as she stood next to me.

"Thank you. It was meant to be, he likes her, she likes him. I'm just happy for them."

"Yeah. Well girl, ready for that shopping trip?"

"Yeah, lets go girl."


I was sitting at home on my laptop, messing around on the internet when I heard the garage door start to open. Alex is home. I was right, considering that Alex did come in through the garage door. He had a big smile painted onto his face.

"Considering the big smile on your face, the date went well?" I asked.

"More than well, it went fantastically! We had a blast. She even asked to go on another date." He said as he flopped onto the couch sighing, "It was the best night of my life."

"That's awesome big bro, I'm happy for you. I told you it was a good idea."

"I know, I know." He yawned. "I'm going to go to bed, night little sister."

"Night Alex."

As he went down the hall, I went upstairs to my bedroom, where I found the two cats sleeping next to each other. I shook my head an continued to get dressed for bed. When I got to my bed and got into the covers. As I moved the covers, Legolas and my cat , Milkshake, looked at me like I offended them and their great ancestors.

"Whatever cats, this is my bed, so you have to share." I whispered to them. As I got curled into my bed, my phone lit up. So I reached out for it and looked at it. I got a text from Skylar.

Goodnight babe, I love you <3

I smiled at my phone and sent back:

Goodnight sweet dreams, I love you too xoxo <3

Then I finally went to bed with a smile on my face. What could go wrong?

Who knew that in the next few days, my life would be changed forever.


Hey my dragon babies, I meant to update a lot earlier than now, and a lot more often since it is my summer break, but I have been on vacation and had no inspiration to write at all, and I'm sorry. What has moved me to write was that for my birthday, I got a laptop. Finally. So I wanted to use it and try it out. I love it =D I'm going to try to update more, but I write when inspiration hits me, so I'll what I can do. =D love ya all, until next time. =P


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