Chapter 11

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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~After the shock of finding out~*~*~*~*~*~*

"Oh my god Emily, what am I going to do!" I said, after coming out of the shocked silence.

"I'm not sure, zel. But you have to tell someone." Emily advised while rubbing my shoulders trying to call me down. I nervously ran my fingers through my hair.

"If I do, who should I tell, even if I do, what should I do with it? I'm not even sure I want to keep the darn thing."

"Zelda, don't think like that. Calm down and start thinking straight. Think rationally. This is another life inside of you, start acting like it it is." Emily said sternly, immediately snapping me back into reality.

"Your right. Name my choices here."

"Let's start with abortion-"

"Um, no. I don't really feel comfortable with that decision..." I cut off Emily and trailed off.

"Then we're left with adoption or keeping it." Emily said. I sat there listing the pros and cons of each decision. Adoption, I can set up a deal with the parents to see my child, but there could be issues in the future stuff like moving and that jazz, and I don't know if I like the idea of watching my child calling someone else momma. But, keeping it proves to have so much challenge.  Will Skylar leave me? Would my family look at me differently? Would they kick me to the curb?

I sucked in a breath, I made my decision. "I think I'm going right keep it. I don't really like watching, or even knowing, that my child is calling someone else momma."

"I think that would a good decision. Since I don't really have much of a life of my own, and I love children, I'll help you out." Emily smiled. I smiled back, gladly that she had my back. "Now that we know that your not sick, lets go do a little shopping as a little stress reliever."

"Ok, let me get dressed. I'm still in my jammies." I laughed. I got to my room and searched through my closet. I decided to wear a blue plaid over a white cami and the sleeves folded up to my elbows with some dark skinny jeans with my cowboy boots that I had gotten last year when I took a trip to Arizona. I walked over to my vanity and freshened up my smeared makeup.

"Hey Zel, are you going to be done by the end of this year?" I heard Emily yell from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'm ready now." I laughed, coming down the stairs.

"Finally, it took you 150 million years to get ready. By the way, you lookin' cute girl."

"Gosh Em, you are very over dramatic. And thank you, it's my favorite outfit." I smiled.

"Enough talk, lets get to the mall." Emily stated and hooked her arm with mine and we skipped towards the door and to her car.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Skip drive to the mall~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"When do you think this could've happened?" Emily asked and we looked at various jeans at American Eagle.

"On our date. That's when we, you know, did it." I said rather uncomfortably to my friend.

"You didn't tell me you lost it on your date night." Emily gasped. "Why didn't you tell me. I thought we were sisters."

"Well, I didn't see a need to tell all my secrets about that night." I winked, causing Emily to laugh. "But seriously though, what am I going to do?"

"Well, I'll start with telling your mom. Didn't you say that your mom had you at seventeen?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, she did. Maybe I won't be kicked out of the house. So, thats a big reliever, now my main stress is Skylar, I'm afraid he will leave me...." I trailed off.

"I can't speak for Skylar. I'm sorry girl. I would, if I could, be there for you when you tell him but it should only be you and him and no one else." Emily said. "But, I wouldn't wait long though, it could turn out badly if you did."

"Yeah, I see what you mean." I said. Then a sudden thought came to mind, it's almost my mom's lunch break...And I'm not home and I'm not sure if we disposed of the test...

"Hey Zel, are you okay?" I heard Emily's voice pierce through my thoughts.

"Did we throw away the test?"

"I'm not sure, why?"

"My mom's lunch break is soon, and knowing her, she would be coming home to check on me...." I trailed off.

"Oh crap, we better get you home." After emily said that, we rushed out of the mall and sped to my house.

~*~*~*at my house~*~*~*

Once we got inside the house I checked the time. We have ten minutes til my mom is due home. Yeah, my mom texted me on the way home that she was coming to check on me. I ran to my room and threw off my shoes and went back down stairs and sat on the couch with Emily. A few minutes later, my mom walked through the door.

"Hey Zelda, why is Emily's car in our drivrway?" She asked.

"Well, she texted me asking why I didn't I come into school with Sky. I told her I wasn't feeling well, and she said she could come and keep me company. I told her no, but you know Emily, she came anyway." I explained, making Emily laugh.

"Yeah, that sounds like Emily." My mom laughed.

"Well, I'm not going to let my sister fend for herself." Emily smiled and hugged me as my mom walked into the living room. "School can wait when my sis is in trouble."

"Well, I don't condone this, but I'll let it slide for now. Why don't you two head up to Zelda's room and I'll make y'all some lunch. Sound good?" My mom offered.

"Yeah, that sounds great mom. Come on Em, to my room we go!" I said, standing from my seat and grabbing onto Emily and dragging up the stairs.

I was going to tell my momma about my newly discovered baby.....

......I just didn't have the guts.....


And the truth is set free!!! This is starting of an domino effect! Who should she tell first? Skylar? Her momma? Or friends? Decisions, decisions. I hoped you liked it. I only work to give y'all the best and nothing but the best. Well, tah tah for now my dragons, BYE! =D 


Just too YoungOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora