Chapter 1

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*A/N: The POV will always be in Zelda's POV, unless stated otherwise. Also the picture above is what pictured Zelda to be =P *


The bell rang, signaling that the school day is had ended. I closed my choir folder and gathered my stuff and headed out the door.

"Hey Zel, what are you doing later?" My friend, Emily, asked. I thought for a moment.

"I don't think so, if I was, probably hangout with Skylar after his practice maybe." I said with a shrug. "Why do you ask Em?"

"Well, Tori and I wanted to go shopping and see if you wanted to come with us." Emily admitted

I thought for a moment. "Ok, I'll come with. Just let me say bye to Skylar and we will be off." I confirmed with her.

"Great, I text Tori now and tell her to meet her at her car. We just need to say bye to Skylar." Emily joked, using a sarcastic tone when she said my boyfriend of almost four years' name.

"Yeah yeah, when you get a sweet boyfriend like him, you wouldn't be joking like that." I teased her.

"Well then, can I have him then?" said with half silly, half serious look.

I scoffed "Hell to the no. That man is mine." We both laughed.

You see, I have like five close friends, but two of them are like my sister's and that's Emily and Victoria, or Tori. My other friends are named Aria, Courtney, and Juliet. They are good friends, but I really trust my two sisters. There is one thing though, I don't trust Courtney with any secret. Why? Well if you share a deep secret, she will find a way to use it against you.

Me and Emily finally reached the soccer field, because Skylar has soccer practice today. I looked to the field and saw Skylar practicing kicking goals.

"Hey there handsome!" I called to him, leaning up against fence. He looked up as he went to kicked the ball.......he missed and he fell backwards onto the ground. I gasped and started to laugh. He got up and brushed himself off and walked over to the fence.

"Haha babe, very funny." His deep voice said sarcastically.

"Hey, all I said was 'hey'. It was your fault that you fell backwards." I told him all sassy like. "Now get over on this side of the fence so I can say bye to ya."

"Bye? Where you going?" He asked.

"I got invited to go shopping with Em and Tori."

"Ok, well, if you need a ride, just call me. Okay?"

I smiled. "Ok, I might just take you up on that offer." I said with a wink.

He pulled me into a hug. I squeaked and squealed and squirmed to get out of his embrace, he was very sweaty. His arms just got tighter.

"What's wrong babe?" He said teasingly.

"Your sweaty!!" I whined. "Let go!"

"Ok Zel, I will." He said with a smile. He gave me a short kiss on my lips. "Have fun, Zel. I'll text you when I'm done with practice."

"Ok, I love you" I smiled.

"Love you too." He called as he ran back to the field.

I turned and walked to Emily to go to Tori's car. I got to her and she was just looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Awww......" she gushed.

"What Emily?"

"You guys are soooo cute together."I blushed. "Aww, your blushing."

"Ok Emily, stop embarrassing the poor girl, and get into the car so we can hit the mall." Tori says as she pulled up to us.

"Thanks for the save girl." I said as I jumped into the passenger seat, with Emily following into the back seat. Emily just rolled her eyes.

"Anytime, now I we had last minute add-ons on this shopping trip, Aria and Courtney are coming." Tori said, shooting an apologetic look towards me, know how I feel about Courtney.

"Ok that's fine." I smiled as Tori drove out of the parking lot.

This shopping trip is going to be so great.....

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