Chapter 10

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~*~*~*The next morning~*~*~*

I woke up and went down stairs to start my breakfast. I got out the stuff for my breakfast, some sausage, some bacon, and some eggs. I had already the eggs done when my mom came from her room. I started on the sausage.

"Hey sweetie, how did you sleep?" My mom asked me while making her coffee.

"Slept like a baby." I smiled. I turned my attention back to the sizzling sausage. I started to feel my stomach start turn. Like yesterday. Oh great. Suddenly a wave of cooking sausage smell hit my nose, sending the turning feeling in my stomach into a raging sea. I dropped what I was doing and ran to the closest toilet and emptied my guts out.

"Oh my, Zelda honey, are you ok?" I heard my mom call out. I heard her footsteps come into the bathroom as I finished up.

"Yeah, I'm fine mom." I said, wiping off my mouth.

"That didn't look fine."

"Well, I feel fine now. "

"Well, no matter what you claim, your staying home."

"This happened yesterday, and I was fine for the whole day."

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't see the importance."

"You never get sick out of nowhere before." My mom said as she started to think. "Your not going to school today. That's final."

"Ok, I'll text Skylar." I said, following my mother out of the bathroom and headed towards my room and curled into my bed putting in my earbuds turning on the music, the first song that came on was Bring Me to life by Evanescence. I loved this song.

"Hey Zel, I'm going to work now. Call me when you need me ok?" My mom said as she poked her through the door when the song ended. I just nodded a response. She smiled and disappeared from the doorway.

I sat there in silence, just letting my thoughts wonder around in my head. What the hell is going on with me? I got a another turning feeling in my stomach, much like this morning. I dashed off to the toilet to get rid of my insides. After that I just sat there by the toilet. I opened the cabinet door to grab some toilet paper to clean my mouth off. I looked off to the items that were right next to the toilet paper. My female stuff and my mom's pregnancy tests. Don't judge, my parents want a baby, it doesn't help that my dad deploys a lot. These things got me thinking. my period is a couple days late.

My train of thought when I heard my phone go off. I checked it. It was Emily.

Hey, are you ok girl? said the text.

Yeah, got a little sick..... :/ I replied back.

Wat?!?! You never get sick Zel......

Yeah, about that....I have an idea wat it could be, but I don't want say over text....

Do you want me to come over. I will if you me too

Plz, I don't want to be alone....

Coming now.


I never got a reply after that.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Time skip: A couple minutes~*~*~*~*~

"Zelda, I'm here! Where are you at?" I hear Emily after I heard the front open.

"In the bathroom near my room!" I called back to her. I heard her footsteps come up the stairs.

"Zelda, what is going on?" Emily said as she walked into the room. I look up at her with a scared expression and she got down on the floor with me and hugged me. "What's up buttercup?"

"I don't think I'm just sick...." I trailed off.

"What do you mean, sugar?"

"M-m-my period is l-late..." I stuttered.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked with a confused expression.

"What do you think it means? I have been sick every morning, and I just found out that I'm late and I'm freaking out ok?" I stressed. A look of realization hit Emily's face.

"Oh my. Zelda...." Emily seemed to be at a loss of words.

"I'm going to test myself, I just don't want to be a lone when I do this. I'm scared Em, I'm really scared. And I don't know what to do right now." I admitted. "I understand that you would want to leave."

"Nah Zelda, I'll stay with you. No matter what." Emily stated. I gave a weak smile. She helped me up off of the floor. I went into the cabinet and got out one of the tests.

"I'll be right outside the door, come out when you're done." Emily said and walked out the bathroom.

I sighed. I shakily held the box in front of me and opened the box and read the instructions. I knew how they worked, but when your in my position, all sense of knowledge seems to disappear. I did what I needed to do an set the little tiny stick of fate on the counter. All is left for me is to wait.

~*~*~*~*~*Time skip: Five minutes~*~*~*~*~*

I was sitting on the side of the tub with Emily's arm around me, comforting me. I jumped when the timer went off. Me and Emily shared a look before I shakily got up and took a step towards the counter. I closed my eyes and breathed a sigh. I held the stick in my hand and I froze.

"Em.....I can't look, can you please. For me." I asked her.

"Oh, uh, don't you want to do that? It is your body after all...." Emily said.

"I just...I just can't. I'm too scared." I told her, only slightly freaking out.

Emily sighed. "Ok, I'll look." She got up and stood next to me and grabbed the stick from my hand. She then gave a small gasp.

"What is Em, please tell me." I begged.

"Well, um, have any ideas on how to tell Skylar. Better yet, your family? Because this thing says your pregnant." Emily said.


Hey, its me and I didn't die or go poof. I simply had a lot on my plate, like school started two weeks ago and I was late on an AP English project. Like waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy behind, meaning only completing part 1 of 2 and never finished the second book. Well, I'll try to update a little more since I have more inspiration to write. and that was another issue, I would stare at y stories and never had the will to write anything. Until next time, see ya =D 


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